Bronco Buster
Main > Feats |
(Combat, Ride)
Bronco Buster
Animal KenDC = creature's CMDStandard Action
The creature may make a Will save each round to break free of your control. If it fails the Will save, it must act as a willing mount for that turn. A new Will save must be made each round until you are thrown or choose to dismount.
If you possess the Broad Skills feat, you may use this ability on any creature to which your trainer ability applies, though creatures not of the animal type gain a +2 bonus on their Will save.
System Reference Document. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `cargo__OGLEntries__Open_Game_Content`.`_value` AS `Open Game Content` FROM `cargo__OGLEntries` LEFT OUTER JOIN `cargo__OGLEntries__Open_Game_Content` ON ((`cargo__OGLEntries`.`_ID`=`cargo__OGLEntries__Open_Game_Content`.`_rowID`)) WHERE Tag = "SoM" GROUP BY `cargo__OGLEntries__Open_Game_Content`.`_value` ORDER BY `_rowID` LIMIT 100
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