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Latest revision as of 14:36, 4 September 2021

Main > Feats > Combat Styles > Animal Tamer Style

Animal Tamer Style Feats

Feat Name Categories Prerequisites Benefit
Animal Empathy Combat Tame Tame Animal You can improve the attitude of an animal.
Bee Keeper Combat Tame Tame Animal You may tame creatures with the swarm subtype.
Bolster Beast Combat Tame Tame Animal Train tamed creatures to gain additional HD.
Broad Skills Combat Tame Tame Animal Tame any creature of animal intelligence, as well as mindless oozes, plants and vermin.
Greater Trainer Combat Tame Tame Animal Increase the total HD you may have tamed by 1/rank of Animal Ken.
Mass Handle Combat Tame Tame Animal Handle or push an additional tame creature with the same action.
Pack Attack Combat Tame Tame Animal Increase the bonus from flanking with your tamed creatures by +2.
Purposeful Training Combat Tame Tame Animal Grant a tamed creature a general purpose, and learn to retrain skills and feat.
Tame Animal Combat Tame Improves your ability to tame animals.

Advanced Animal Tamer Style Feats

Feat Name Categories Prerequisites Benefit
Beast Tamer Combat Tame Animal Ken 5 ranks, Tame Animal Temporarily tame any creature as a standard action.
Distant Tamer Combat Tame Beast Tamer, Tame Animal Increase range of Beast Tamer to medium.
Enduring Control Combat Tame Beast Tamer, Tame Animal Increase duration of Beast Tamer to 1 hour per rank of Animal Ken.
Mass Tame Combat Tame Beast Tamer, Tame Animal Use Beast Tamer against multiple creatures at once.
Mindless Mastery Combat Tame Broad Skills, Tame Animal Tame mindless creatures of any type.
Permanent Control Combat Tame Animal Ken 5 ranks, Enduring Control, Beast Tamer, Tame Animal The duration of your Beast Tamer talent increases to permanent.

Animal Tamer Style Drawback Feats

Feat Name Categories Prerequisites Benefit
Monster Tamer Tame Animal Lose ability to tame animals, but tame a different creature type.

Animal Allies Feats

Feat Name Categories Prerequisites Benefit
Animal Accomplish Combat Ride Tame Your animal ally may aid your combat maneuvers.
Animal Bodyguard Combat Ride Tame You and your animal ally may aid each other's AC.
Animal Doubleteam Combat Ride Tame Make a free attack against an enemy when your animal ally succeeds on a combat maneuver.
Coordinated Animal Attack Combat Ride Tame Your animal ally may attack when you do.
Faithful Friend Combat Ride Tame Increase aid bonus by 1 from you or your animal ally.
Focusing Connection Combat Ride Tame Regain martial focus by touching your animal ally.
Lookout Combat Ride Tame Share your Perception checks with your animal allies.
Steady Handler Combat Ride Tame Expend martial focus to take 15 on an Animal Ken checks.

Advanced Animal Allies Feats

Feat Name Categories Prerequisites Benefit
Call Beast Combat Ride Tame Call your animal ally from up to 1 mile per rank in Animal Ken.

Animal Accomplish[edit]

(Combat, Ride, Tame)


Benefit: While within the threatened area of an animal ally, when you or the animal ally performs a combat maneuver, the other may make an aid another check to boost the combat maneuver check as an immediate action.

Animal Bodyguard[edit]

(Combat, Ride, Tame)


Benefit: While within the threatened area of an animal ally, when you or the animal ally is targeted by an attack, the other may make an aid another check to boost AC as an immediate action.

Animal Doubleteam[edit]

(Combat, Ride, Tame)


Benefit: When one of your animal allies succeeds on a combat maneuver, the target counts as Compromised to you.

Animal Empathy[edit]

(Combat, Tame)

Prerequisites: Tame Animal

Benefit: You gain the following ability:


Animal Ken1 minute

You can improve the attitude of an animal. This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check made to improve the attitude of a person, using your Animal Ken skill in place of Diplomacy.

If you possess the wild empathy class feature, you may add your Animal Ken ranks to your levels in the class that grants the class feature (with a maximum equal to your Hit Dice) to determine the result.

The typical domestic animal has a starting attitude of indifferent, while wild animals are usually unfriendly.

To use this ability, you and the animal must be able to study each other, which means that you must be within 30 ft. of one another under normal conditions. Generally, influencing an animal in this way takes 1 minute but, as with influencing people, it might take more or less time.

Beast Tamer[edit]

(Combat, Tame)

Prerequisites: Animal Ken 5 ranks, Tame Animal

Benefit: You may expend martial focus as a standard action to force a creature to which you can tame within close range (25 ft. + 5 ft. per 2 base attack bonus) to make a Will save or have its attitude improved to helpful and serve you as a tame creature for 1 minute per rank in Animal Ken you possess. Creatures not of the animal type gain a +2 bonus on their Will saves.

Once a creature saves successfully against your use of this ability, it is immune to further uses of this ability by you for 24 hrs. When the duration of the tame effect ends, the creature returns to its previous disposition, modified by any other effects that would have altered it in the meantime. Attempting to make the creature perform an obviously suicidal action ends the tame.

Bee Keeper[edit]

(Combat, Tame)

Prerequisites: Tame Animal

Benefit: You may tame creatures with the swarm subtype that are otherwise of a creature type that you can affect. When taming a creature in this way, they count as twice their Hit Dice against the total amount you may have tame at once.

This increase does not stack with the increase for creatures not of the animal type from the Broad Skills feat.

Additionally, you are immune to swarm damage from swarms that have a friendly or better disposition towards you.

Bolster Beast[edit]

(Combat, Tame)

Prerequisites: Tame Animal

Benefit: You gain the following ability:

Intense Taming

Animal KenDC 10 + new HD total1+ hours

You may grant a tame creature 1 bonus Hit Die for every hour you spend training it. These additional Hit Dice count against your Hit Dice cap for the trainer ability as normal and cannot cause the creature’s Hit Dice to exceed your ranks in Handle Animal.

These additional Hit Dice are multiplied as normal for companions that have their Hit Dice doubled for the purposes of determining how many creatures you may have tame. If a creature is released from the tame condition, these bonus Hit Dice are lost immediately.

Creatures do not gain size increases for these additional Hit Dice. Additional feats and skill points from these Hit Dice are assigned by the GM unless you possess the Purposeful Training feat, in which case they may be assigned within the limits of the retraining granted by that talent. This ability can never be applied to an animal companion or familiar.

Broad Skills[edit]

(Combat, Tame)

Prerequisites: Tame Animal

Benefit: You may tame creatures of animal intelligence (Intelligence scores of 1 or 2) of any type, though you take a -4 penalty on the check on creatures not of the animal type.

Only permanent Intelligence counts for determining if a creature can be affected; ability drain, damage, or other penalties or effects that reduce Intelligence to not allow a creature to be affected.

You may also tame mindless creatures of the ooze, plant, or vermin type, bypassing any immunity to mind-affecting effects granted by the their type. Mindless creatures serving you as a mount count as animal allies.

Creatures not of the animal type count as twice their Hit Dice against the total amount you may have tame at once. This increase does not stack with the increase for creatures with the swarm subtype from the Beekeeper talent.

If you possess the Animal Empathy feat, it is likewise expanded with the same penalty.

Call Beast[edit]

(Combat, Ride, Tame)


Benefit: As a swift action, you may call all of your animal allies to your side. They must be within 1 mile per rank in Animal Ken and come at their best speed, avoiding apparent hazards and danger to the best of their ability. This movement takes place using the creature’s normal actions on its turn.

Coordinated Animal Attack[edit]

(Combat, Ride, Tame)


Action: swift action

Benefit: When you use the attack action to attack, one of your animal allies may also attack your target with a single natural weapon it possesses as a joint swift action.

If both you and the animal ally successfully deal damage with these attacks, the animal ally may immediately move 5 ft. as a free action. This movement does not trigger reactions.

Distant Tamer[edit]

(Combat, Tame)

Prerequisites: Beast Tamer, Tame Animal

Benefit: The range of your Beast Tamer talent increases to medium.

Enduring Control[edit]

(Combat, Tame)

Prerequisites: Beast Tamer, Tame Animal

Benefit: The duration of your Beast Tamer feat increases to 1 hour per rank in Animal Ken you possess.

Faithful Friend[edit]

(Combat, Ride, Tame)


Benefit: Any time you use the aid another action to benefit an animal ally or an animal ally uses the aid another action to benefit you, the aid another bonus increases by 1.

Focusing Connection[edit]

(Combat, Ride, Tame)


Benefit: You may make physical contact with one animal ally within your natural reach as a move action, regaining your martial focus and giving that animal ally a +1 bonus to all saving throws for 1 round.

Greater Trainer[edit]

(Combat, Tame)

Prerequisites: Tame Animal

Benefit: Increase the total Hit Dice of creatures you may have tame at once by an additional 1 per rank of Animal Ken you possess.

You may select this feat up to 3 times.


(Combat, Ride, Tame)


Benefit: When within close range (25 ft. + 5 ft. per 2 ranks in Animal Ken) of any animal allies, when making a Perception check, you and the animal allies may share the result of the check of the creature with the highest result.

Mass Handle[edit]

(Combat, Tame)

Prerequisites: Tame Animal

Benefit: You may increase the time required to handle or push a tame creature by one step to affect one additional tame creature with the same action.

If you attempt to use this ability on creatures that require different actions to handle or push, determine the action required to use this feat based on the longest required time for the affected creatures.

The number of tame creatures you may affect with this ability increases by 1 at +2 base attack bonus and every +2 base attack bonus after.

Mass Tame[edit]

(Combat, Tame)

Prerequisites: Beast Tamer, Tame Animal

Benefit: When using your Beast Tamer feat, you may increase the time required by one step (normally standard to full-round) to affect multiple creatures at once. All creatures must be within range. Your Hit Dice limits still apply to the total number you may affect at once with this ability.

Mindless Mastery[edit]

(Combat, Tame)

Prerequisites: Broad Skills, Tame Animal

Benefit: You may tame mindless creatures of any type, bypassing any immunity to mind-affecting effects granted by the their type.

Pack Attack[edit]

(Combat, Tame)

Prerequisites: Tame Animal

Benefit: Whenever one or more of your tame creatures within close range (25 ft. + 5 ft. per 2 ranks in Animal Ken) of you flanks an enemy with you or another of your tame creatures, you may increase the bonus from flanking by +2.

This bonus increases by +1 for each tame creature that threatens than enemy, to a maximum of +1 per 4 rank in Animal Ken.

Permanent Control[edit]

(Combat, Tame)

Prerequisites: Animal Ken 5 ranks, Enduring Control, Beast Tamer, Tame Animal

Benefit: The duration of your Beast Tamer feat increases to permanent.

Purposeful Training[edit]

(Combat, Tame)

Prerequisites: Tame Animal

Benefit: When you tame a creature, you may automatically grant them one general purpose per the Animal Ken skill.

At +4 base attack bonus you may grant the creature a bonus trick. The purpose and tricks granted by this ability do not count against the maximum number of tricks a creature may know.

If you possess the Broad Skills feat, you may even apply this ability to mindless vermin.

You also gain the following ability:

Retrain Animal

4 hours

You may retrain one feat, purpose, trick, or a number of skill ranks equal to your ranks in Animal Ken with 4 hours of training. The new feats and skill must be appropriate to a creature of animal intelligence.

The GM is the final arbiter of what feats and skills are suitable.

Rapid Handle[edit]

(Ride, Skill, Tame)

Prerequisites: Animal Ken 1 rank

Benefit: You may reduce the time required to handle or push an animal ally by 1 step (usually move to swift for handle and full-round to standard for push).

Steady Handler[edit]

(Combat, Ride, Tame)


Benefit: When making a Animal Ken skill check to handle or push a tame creature or while mounted on an animal ally, you may expend your martial focus as a free action to take 15 on the check, even if rushed or threatened.

Tame Animal[edit]

(Combat, Tame)


Benefit: You gain the following ability:


Animal KenDC 10 + creature's HD8 hours

You may attempt to train an animal to readily obey your commands in and out of combat. This requires 8 hours and a creature of the animal type that has an attitude toward you of indifferent or better. This time may be divided as per the magic item crafting rules.

You may only train one creature at a time with this ability. At the end of this period, make a Animal Ken check with a DC of 10 + the creature’s Hit Dice. If successful, the creature is now considered tame.

You may not tame a creature with more Hit Dice than you have ranks in Animal Ken. You may have multiple tame creatures under your control, but their total Hit Dice cannot exceed your ranks in Animal Ken. If you attempt to tame a creature that would exceed your Hit Dice cap, you must choose which other creatures to release. Animal companions and familiars, such as from class features, the Animal Companion feat, or the Pet feat, never count against this Hit Dice cap.

You may not use this ability on a creature with the swarm subtype. A creature with a template adds the challenge rating adjustment of the template to its HD (minimum increase +0) for determining if you may tame it and for how many creatures you can have tame. Variant creatures with increased challenge ratings (such as a pyrohydra compared to a normal hydra, if using the Broad Skills feat), treats the challenge rating increase of the variant as if it were a template for this purpose.

A creature whose permanent Intelligence score is raised above 2 is no longer a valid target for this ability and is automatically released. This effect ends if you go two full days without spending at least 1 hour training your tame creatures.

This is treated as an extraordinary mind-affecting compulsion effect for the purposes of opposed control checks, such as another compulsion effect affecting your tame creature. Use your ranks in Animal Ken in place of your caster level for the opposed check.

Wild Rider[edit]

(Combat, Ride, Tame)

Prerequisites: Ride

Benefit: Any creature serving as your mount counts as tame and as having been combat trained per the Animal Ken skill.

This does not allow you to handle or push a creature of greater than animal Intelligence (Intelligence 3 or higher), but does allow them to benefit from some feat, such as Lookout or Pack Attack, though not from any that grant additional tricks, purposes, or Hit Dice. The creature no longer counts as tame or an animal ally once you dismount.

Additionally, you may add half your base attack bonus (minimum +1) as a competence bonus on all checks to stay mounted and never fall off your mount when you become unconscious unless you choose to at the time you fall unconscious. You never take a penalty on checks for lacking a saddle, bit, or bridle.