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Main > Skills

Skills represent some of the most basic and yet most fundamental abilities your character possesses. As your character advances in level, he can gain new skills and improve his existing skills dramatically. This section describes each skill, including common uses and typical modifiers.

Skill Untrained Armor
Gained by Feat
Acrobatics Yes Yes Dex Athletics
Animal Ken Yes - Cha Ride, Tame Animal
Arcana No - Int
Athletics Yes Yes Str Athletics
Commerce Yes - Int
Crafting Yes - Int Alchemist, Trapper
Deception Yes - Cha Fencing
Diplomacy Yes - Cha Leadership, Warleader
Healing Yes - Wis
Intimidation Yes - Cha Gladiator
Skill Untrained Armor
Gained by Feat
Lore Yes - Int
Mysticism Yes - Wis
Perception Yes - Wis
Performance Yes - Cha
Stealth Yes Yes Dex Scout
Streetwise Yes - Wis
Survival Yes - Wis
Thievery Yes Yes Dex Scoundrel
Warfare Yes - Int
Any Yes - Int
Skill Descriptions
  • Acrobatics
  • Appraise -> Commerce
  • Bluff -> Deception
  • Climb -> Athletics
  • Craft -> Crafting
  • Diplomacy
  • Disable Device -> Thievery (Skill Feat)
  • Disguise -> Deception (Skill Feat)
  • Escape Artist -> Acrobatics (Skill Feat)
  • Fly -> Acrobatics
  • Handle Animal -> Animal Ken
  • Heal -> Healing
  • Intimidate -> Intimidation
  • Knowledge(arcana) -> Arcana
  • Knowledge(local) -> Streetwise
  • Knowledge(nature) -> Nature
  • Knowledge(religion) -> Religion
  • Knowledge(warfare) -> Warfare
  • Knowledge(other) -> Lore
  • Linguistics -> Streetwise (Skill Feat)
  • Perception
  • Perform -> Performance
  • Profession -> ?
  • Ride -> Animal Ken (Skill Feat)
  • Sense Motive -> Deception
  • Sleight of Hand -> Thievery
  • Spellcraft -> Arcana
  • Stealth
  • Survival -> Nature (Skill Feat)
  • Swim -> Athletics
  • Use Magic Device -> None