Meeting Madaros

From Night's End
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Front Page > Sessions > Meeting Madaros
Swords 35-42, Year 25

Having defeated the skeletal guardians, the party opened the large double-doors, and found the actual tomb chamber of Madaros. The ghost of Madaros floated before his sarcophagus, flanked by two skeletal warriors.

However, the ghost was willing to talk, and after the group gave him a respectful greeting, they managed to convince him that The Nightmare was coming, and he would be unable to protect his tomb from it. Instead he willingly released his warriors from their duty, and allowed himself to be bound to a soul-gem by the party, a task which they accomplished successfully.

After the ritual Gral and Rob secured a couple treasures from the interior of the sarcophagus, and the party returned to The City by using the Recall Tokens they had been given.

Back in The City

Several of the Recall Tokens deposited party members far from Hammercourt, but over a couple of hours the party managed to gather at the office of Ebrom the Fist. Kormak had arrived first and given a debrief, so Ebrom was ready to hand out their reward as soon as everyone were there. Among the treasures from the tomb was a fine dwarven battle axe embeded with a magical rune, that Ebrom helped to get identified, and transferred to a blank runestone. He purchased the non-magical axe so that he might give it to Madaros.

After this, the group ventured to the The Hammer across the square, and settled down to talk. Whezul suggested that they form an official adventuring company, and the group agreed.


After this they split up. During the following week:

  • Rob visited The Stalwart where various mercenaries hang out and trade and drink. He spared a fair bit with Orlan, and received the information that the Red Dust Guild pay well for mercenaries, though also seem willing to use their lives rather freely.
  • Gral visited his family, and was nagged by his mother to find a nice, safe job. But she settled down, and they looked over the recipes in the cooking book together.
  • Rollo visited Madam Moon at the brothel in Little Greytown and availed himself of the services, before visiting his master Jorgen. He spent the rest of his time in the Green Remnant, hanging out with the bears.
