Black Ward

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The City > Black Ward

The home turf of the Peacewardens

The Black Ward is a large residential district, stretching from Hammercourt clockwise to Sovereign Park counter-clockwise, and bordering The Arcane along most of its hub-side edge.

Many of the residents of Black Ward work in the workshops and arcane plants of The Arcane, but Black Ward is also filled with more mundane workshops and shops run by individual craftsmen.

However, what most citizens think about when thinking of the Black Ward, is the Old Prison and the Black Shrine. Weapon smith

Locations of Note

The Black Shrine Square

A rough cobble square surrounding the Black Shrine on all sides. Though the square is surrounded by workshops and stores that have taken advantage of the open space, people avoid walking too close to the accursed shrine.

  • The Black Shrine: A mysterious temple of black rock that appeared, without explanation, when The City was in The Gray Lands. Though it is generally agreed that most (or all) people that enter the black marble doors don't leave, there are stories of people having acquired power or riches inside. But nobody seems able to agree what would be in there.
  • The Poltergheist's Kitchen: Straight across from the entrance to the Black Shrine lies an unassuming building. Locals know this to be an unorthodox restaurant. Find a table, pick an item from the menu, put your payment down on the table, and it will be whisked away by an invisible force. Minutes later, the desired food will fly from the kitchen to your table. Most agree that the proprietor is in fact a ghost, which most would find disconcerting, but the regulars take it in stride. Maybe because the food is indeed quite good for the requested price.
  • The Ghost and Shadow: A popular drinking hole among the craftsmen of the district, this tavern hosts a rotating cast of bards and story tellers. A nice place for a quiet drink and a good story.

Hangman's Square

Situated outside Old Prison, this square is centered around a black-stained patch of cobblestones where once stood the Old Prison's gallows.

  • Old Prison: Built by the Hangman's Order, followers of a grim god of justice, it fell into disrepair when they were ejected from The City during the nightfall of The Arch. It has since been taken over by the Remembrance Of Highgarden and their martial hand the Peacewardens.
  • The Steel Atelier: A smithy run by Paemin Galaris, a master craftsman of the Remembrance Of Highgarden. Paemin rarely works for coin, but instead labors to provide the armors and weaponry used by the elites of the Peacewardens.
  • The Last Request: A theatre and dancehall, providing entertainment of an often unsophisticated and jocular nature. Also serves as a speaking venue for the propagandists of the Remembrance Of Highgarden.

Black Ward

Basic Info

Type: Residential District
Level: 6
Population: 3720 (73% human, 12% dwarf, 4% elemental-touched, 3% planar-touched, 3% halfling, 5% other)

Guilds and Factions

  • Peacewardens: An organization responsible for law enforcement in Black Ward, and other districts.