View table: Wards

Table structure:

  1. Name - String
  2. Type - String
  3. Short - String
  4. Description - Wikitext
  5. Districs - Wikitext
  6. Population - String
  7. Level - String
  8. OtherNames - List of String, delimiter: ,
  9. Denonym - String
  10. Parent - Page

This table has 16 rows altogether.

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Page Name Type Short Description Districs Population Level OtherNames Denonym Parent
Black Ward (edit) Black Ward Residential District The home turf of the Peacewardens

The Black Ward is a large residential district, stretching from Hammercourt clockwise to Sovereign Park counter-clockwise, and bordering The Arcane along most of its hub-side edge.

Many of the residents of Black Ward work in the workshops and arcane plants of The Arcane, but Black Ward is also filled with more mundane workshops and shops run by individual craftsmen.

However, what most citizens think about when thinking of the Black Ward, is the Old Prison and the Black Shrine. Weapon smith

3720 (73% human, 12% dwarf, 4% elemental-touched, 3% planar-touched, 3% halfling, 5% other) 6 The City
Briardown (edit) Briardown Residential District Slum inhabited mostly by immigrants from uncivilized worlds

Briardown is a rundown part of the Three Streets Ward, inhabited mostly by immigrants from The Green Depths, The Gray Lands, The Chittering and The Land of Giants. Common among them are their lack of indoctrination into modern, urban life and subsequent descent into squalor. Their continued existence mostly owes to charity from The Remnants and other charitable organizations, as well as money acquired through crime and prostitution, both of which the Remnants are trying to (with limited success) to clamp down on.

960 (59% human, 10% elf, 5% gnome, 5% halfling, 3% fey, 18% other ) 6 Little Greentown The City
Cogslane (edit) Cogslane Residential District A residential district serving Iron Court.

Work in progress

920 (55% human, 18% dwarf, 11% gnome, 4% goblins, 4% elemental-touched, 8% other ) 6 The City
Crownwall (edit) Crownwall Military district The home of the Bastion forces.

Crownwall is the traditional military center of The City, centered around The Bastion, an old fort from before The Last Years. Though the district contains plenty of residences, businesses and official buildings, its most important features are The Bastion and the barracks and training grounds that surround the fort.

1130 (52% human, 17% dwarf, 9% elves, 4% elemental-touched, 2% planar-touched, 16% other ) 10 The City
Dragon's Tree (edit) Dragon's Tree Residential District Home of the old nobility from a variety of worlds, as well as the nouveau riche

A part of the original inner city, Dragon's Tree has become the preferred district for both old nobility from a variety of worlds, as well as the nouveau riche trying to absorb some of their glamor. A mix of mansions, large gardens and upper-scale establishments in white marble and exotic stones, with a multitude of little touches to display the wealth of the inhabitants. The servants and common workers of the district generally dwell in the Three Streets Ward.

690 (56% human, 19% dwarf, 9% elves, 5% gnomes, 3% planar-touched, 8% other) 10 The City
Garrison Market (edit) Garrison Market Market District The main market district of The City.

Situation just outside The Old Wall from Whitesquare and Crownwall, the Garrison Market district hosts a number of market places, each specializing in certain types of goods. The markets and shops of Garrison Market sell a huge variety of goods, but generally aimed towards middle- or lower-class residents.

1560 (59% human, 9% dwarf, 5% elf, 2% halflings, 2% ratfolk, 23% other) 10 The City
Ghostwall (edit) Ghostwall Temple District The City's temple district, and the location of the Godhood

At the center of the Ghostwall ward lies the The Godhood where many of The City's gods reside. The rest of the ward is a mix of temples, shrines and inner-city residences, with a couple shops here and there dealing in services related to divine magic. The Ghostwall holds the residences of many of the rarer races of The City. For instance most of The City's Aasimar's reside in this ward (though they still form less than 1% of the inhabitants).

Under the ward lies The Necropolis where many of The City's dead are buried, and from which the ward get's its name. Even though the ward generally doesn't get any ghosts these days, thanks to the work of the Death Wardens.

The Black Road runs through the ward from Highhall through the Ghost Gate to the Black Ward.

1480 (52% human, 10% elemental-touched, 9% dwarf, 9% elf, 4% planar-touched, 16% other) 10 The City
Graygardens (edit) Graygardens Craftman's District A craftman's district forming a sort of buffer between Iron Court and the rest of The City.

A craftman's and residential district, where many of the city's non-industrial crafts have a presence; shoemakers, tailors, stonecarvers and coopers. Some number carpenters, masons and other builders also have their offices and residences here.

2000 (81% human, 6% dwarf, 3% elf, 3% elemental-touched, 7% other) 8 The City
Hammercourt (edit) Hammercourt Craftman's District Craftman's district with a large Dwarven population.

Though the Hammercourt is commonly known as the Dwarven quarter, only a third of the inhabitants are dwarves with humans and other races forming the remainder. The ward's buildings are a mix of residential and workshops, with a mix of stone, brick and half-timbered buildings. The ward was the main center of smithing and other hard crafts until the Magma Rift was added to The City. Though it might not be immediately visible, the ward is now in an economic battle for survival against the goods of the Rift.

1740 (57% human, 29% dwarf, 5% gnome, 3% halflings, 1% constructed, 5% other) 10 The Dwarven Quarter The City
Highhall (edit) Highhall Government District The center of The City, housing the City Council and other bureaucratic bodies.

Containing the City Council chambers, the court house, and the administrative headquarters of various other organizations, Highhall is the bureaucratic heart of The City.

475 (40% human, 14% elf, 13% dwarf, 7% gnome, 6% planar-touched, 1% constructed, 19% other)<br>Much of the day-time crowd of Highhall lives outside the district, doubling the population and driving the percentage of humans up to around 60% during work hours. 10 The City
Iron Court (edit) Iron Court Industrial District An industrial district in the magical tradition of The Arch.

Work in progress

1830 (55% human, 18% dwarf, 11% gnome, 4% goblins, 4% elemental-touched, 8% other ) 8 The City
Sovereign Park (edit) Sovereign Park Nature District Large wild park connected to the Green Remnant.

Though some of the outer edges of Sovereign Park are well maintained park areas, much of the park is semi-wild wilderness, crossing seamlessly into the Green Remnant.

The Moon Druids are the official custodians of this district. Wandering too deep into the park, one might run into bears or other predators that the druids keep from the more park-like areas of the district.

The park also has a sizable fey population, especially smaller fey such as sprites, grigs and brownies.

The district connects into Ghostwall via the Green Gate to connect the Green Remnant to The Representative Oak.

390 (73% fey, 8% elf, 4% gnome, 2% human, 1% beastkin, 12% other ) 10 The City
The Arcane (edit) The Arcane Craftman's District The center of magical industry in The City

The Arcane is the ward for magical and alchemical artifice in The City. A multitude of working man wizards, alchemists and artificers work in the ward's many workshops, while a few more powerful sell their spellcasting services to those that can afford it. The buildings are generally well-constructed stone or half-timber, but some areas do suffer from weird alchemical smells or magical discharge.

1220 (60% human, 15% elves, 6% planar-touched, 5% dwarf, 1% constructed, 14% other) 10 The City
The Bazaar (edit) The Bazaar Market District A large roofed market in which you can find basically anything.

The Bazaar district is dominated by The Bazaar itself, a large roofed market built against the old city wall. Along the northern and eastern edges of the district lies a warren of warehouses servicing the many shops of the bazaar. However, an even greater amount of storerooms exist underground, where goods are stockpiled long term for The City's travel across the planes.

550 (64% human, 11% dwarf, 7% elf, 5% elemental-touched, 13% other) 10 The City
Thievescourt (edit) Thievescourt Residential District A hotbed of criminal activity.

After the rise of the Peacewardens, many of the more unsavory characters and businesses of The City have been forced from their old territories. Though crime still exists in the rest of The City, a lot of it has been concentrated here, where the inhabitants work together to resist the Peacewardens.

The major factions of the district keeps the main thoroughfares relatively safe for visitors, preferring to separate visitors from their money through the fighting pits, drug dens and other distractions. But stray into the wrong alley, and muggers and murderers have free reign.

870 (58% human, 6% planar-touched, 5% halfling, 3% elf, 2% undead, 29% other ) 10 The City
Whitesquare (edit) Whitesquare University District The location of most of the educational institutions of The City.

This district is the center of learning, hosting libraries, research institutes and a dozen different colleges. Though outsiders usually call the collected colleges The University, they are a fractious lot, and rivalries and outright hostility marks the relationship between many of the colleges.

Fights, duels, vandalism and sabotage by the students are not uncommon, and though the different watch departments of the district try to keep a lid on things for the safety of The City, it is not entirely uncommon for a watch department to turn a blind eye when it is the students of their sponsoring college that is conducting mischief.

However, though this is a constant background struggle, the watches do keep things enough under control, that the average visitor to the district is unlikely to notice, instead being taken in by the scholarly atmosphere of the district.

Each college generally has its own attached library, which may or may not be accessible to outsiders.

1830 (60% human, 13% elf, 10% dwarf, 5% elemental-touched, 3% gnomes, 9% other 10 The City