Combat Maneuvers/Drag

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Action: standard action
Target: one opponent who is no more than one size category larger than you.
Feats: Powerful Maneuvers, Greater Drag

The aim of this maneuver is to drag a foe in a straight line behind you without doing any harm.

If your attack is successful, both you and your target are moved 5 feet back, with your opponent occupying your original space and you in the space behind that in a straight line. For every 5 by which your attack exceeds your opponent’s CMD, you can drag the target back an additional 5 feet. You must be able to move with the target to perform this maneuver. If you do not have enough movement, the drag goes to the maximum amount of movement available to you and ends.

An enemy being moved by a drag is not compromised because of the movement unless you possess the Greater Drag feat. You cannot move a creature into a square that is occupied by a solid object or obstacle. If there is another creature in the way of your movement, the drag ends adjacent to that creature.