Feats/Conjuration School/Summon

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Main > Feats > Conjuration School > Summon

As a standard action, you may spend a spell point to summon a creature you have made a contract with (called a companion) causing it to appear in an adjacent square, ready to act on your following turn. You must concentrate to maintain the companion’s presence, but may always spend an additional spell point to allow the summoned creature to remain for 1 minute per caster level without concentration.

Companions can take many forms; a caster could contract with sympathetic angels or demons, elemental spirits, or primordial beings only given form after the contract is made. Thus, a companion could have the form of a knight in armor, a demonic dog, a flying anthropomorphic cat, or indeed virtually any other form. You cannot choose a companion with the exact same appearance as another creature.

Healing and Hp: If a companion is conjured multiple times during a day, they do not regain hit points or other resources spent. If a companion is reduced to 0 hp, they instantly disappear and cannot be summoned until the following day. A companion only recovers hp and resources (unless restored through the Heal skill or magical means) when the caster rests to recover spell points. A companion may be dismissed as a free action.

Equipment: Companions may not carry equipment or items back and forth when summoned and so cannot be used to store items in their home plane or bring items to the caster’s plane.

The exception to this rule is equipment gained through Conjuration feats.

Forms and Traits: Whenever you gain a companion, they immediately gains 1 form of your choice. Whenever you select a form feat, you may change your contracts to get any number of companion with the new form.

Whenever you select a trait feat, apply its effects to only a single companion. You may select trait feats multiple times, but no more than once per companion, unless the feat says otherwise.

Size: You may choose to make a companion Small size instead of Medium size. In this case, the companion gains a +2 bonus to Dexterity, a -2 penalty to Strength, as well as the usual changes for being Small (+4 Stealth bonus, +1 AC, +1 to-hit, decreased damage size, etc.).

Feats Natural
1st 1 +1 1 +0 +2 +0
2nd 2 +2 1 +1 +3 +0 Evasion
3rd 3 +3 2 +1 +3 +1
4th 3 +3 2 +1 +3 +1
5th 4 +4 2 +2 +4 +1 Ability Score Increase
6th 5 +5 3 +2 +4 +1 Devotion

Skills: A companion gains 2 skill points per level (reduced to 1 for low Intelligence) and gains the following class skills: Climb (Str), Fly (Dex), Knowledge (Planes), Stealth (Dex), Swim (Str). A Companion begins understanding and speaking one language that the caster also speaks.

Feats: A companion begins with one feat, and gains another feat at every odd Hit Die. A companion may gain any PC or monster feat for which it qualifies. While a companion may gain casting abilities through feats such as Basic Magic Training or Advanced Magic Training, a companion can never possess the Conjuration sphere.

Evasion: At 2 Hit Dice, a companion gains evasion, taking no damage on a successful Reflex save against an effect that grants half damage on a successful Reflex save. At 11 Hit Dice, they gain improved evasion, only take half damage on failed Reflex saves against effects that grant half damage on a successful Reflex save.

Ability Score Increase: Just like PCs and Monsters, a companion gains a permanent +1 bonus to an ability score of the caster’s choice for every 4 Hit Dice possessed.

Devotion: At 5 Hit Dice, a companion gains a +4 morale bonus on Will saves against charm and enchantment effects, such as enchantment school spells or the mind sphere.

Summon Feats

Name Categories Prerequisites Benefit
Conjurer Arcane Conjuration School You can reanimate the dead and make ranged negative energy attacks.