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Main > Feats > Drawback

Drawback feats are special feats that may be taken for free as long as you possess the prerequisite.

Generally they restrict the use of the prerequisite feat, but provide some other benefits in exchange such as a bonus feat.

The negative effects of a drawback feat can be bought off at the cost of a feat, essentially paying off the benefit originally gained..

Name Categories Prerequisites Benefit
Burly Brute Fighter Do not gain shove, but gain Muscular Surge
Close Quarters Shooter Sniper Only make deadly shots within 30 ft., but gain Push Shot.
Hidden Eyes Scout Lose the ability to Scout, but gain Active Camouflage.
Limited Creation Creator Lose the ability to Alter or Create
Material Focus Creator Only create and alter objects of a single substance
Monster Tamer Tame Animal Lose ability to tame animals, but tame a different creature type.
Necromantic Limit Necromancer Lose the ability to Ghost Strike or Reanimate
Offensive Rider Ride Lose the cover or defensive rider reactions, but gain Skirmish Rider.