Giant's Surge
Main > Feats |
Prerequisites: Muscular Surge, Brute Fighter
You may still expend your martial focus as a free action to gain the more powerful bonus for a number of rounds equal to your Constitution modifier, and are only fatigued(2) afterward. For this duration, you also count as being one size larger than you are for the purpose of targeting creatures with combat maneuvers and for feats and abilities that have effects dependent on size.
System Reference Document. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `cargo__OGLEntries__Open_Game_Content`.`_value` AS `Open Game Content` FROM `cargo__OGLEntries` LEFT OUTER JOIN `cargo__OGLEntries__Open_Game_Content` ON ((`cargo__OGLEntries`.`_ID`=`cargo__OGLEntries__Open_Game_Content`.`_rowID`)) WHERE Tag = "SoM" GROUP BY `cargo__OGLEntries__Open_Game_Content`.`_value` ORDER BY `_rowID` LIMIT 100
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