Open Hand Style
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Open Hand Style Feats
Feat Name | Categories | Prerequisites | Benefit |
Open Hand | Combat • Unarmed Combatant | — | Becomes an unarmed combatant and trip opponents as a move action. |
Open Hand[edit]
(Combat, Unarmed Combatant)
Prerequisites: —
Benefit: You gain the ability to gain and expend martial focus, and you gain the following two abilities.
You may attempt a trained Trip combat maneuver with a -2 penalty as a move action, although you may not use a manufactured weapon to make this trip attempt.
Unarmed Combatant
If you possess an Unarmed Combatant feat you are considered to be armed even when unarmed — you do not become compromised when you attack foes while unarmed. You also deal additional damage with their unarmed strikes based on the total number of unarmed combatant feats they possess, as shown in the following table.
# Unarmed Combatant Feats |
Damage (Small Size) |
Damage (Medium Size) |
Damage (Large Size) |
1-3 feats | 1d3 | 1d4 | 1d6 |
4-7 feats | 1d4 | 1d6 | 1d8 |
8-11 feats | 1d6 | 1d8 | 2d6 |
12-15 feats | 1d8 | 2d6 | 3d6 |
16-19 feats | 2d6 | 2d8 | 3d8 |
20+ feats | 2d8 | 2d10 | 4d8 |
Practitioners from a class that already grants an unarmed damage progression, such as the brawler or monk, may treat their unarmed strike as one size category larger if they have 3 or more unarmed combatant feats, but receive no further benefits.
Your unarmed strikes can deal lethal or nonlethal damage, at your choice.
You are trained in the Grapple combat maneuver. In addition, you receive a +2 bonus on checks made to grapple a foe. You also receive a +2 bonus to your Combat Maneuver Defense whenever an opponent tries to grapple you.