Feats/Regain Martial Focus

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Main > Feats > Keywords > Regain Martial Focus

These feats grants new ways to regain your martial focus.

Regain Martial Focus Feats

Name Categories Prerequisites Benefit
Athletics Athletics Combat Style Become a master of movement.
Focused Might Combat Brute Fighter Regain martial focus when you shove.
Focusing Connection Combat Ride Tame Regain martial focus by touching your animal ally.
Focusing Formula Combat Alchemist Create concoction which restores martial focus as a move action.
Focusing Reload Combat Sniper Regain martial focus when reloading your weapon.
Hidden Focus Combat Scout Regain martial focus when successfully hiding.
Lookout Combat Ride Tame Share your Perception checks with your animal allies.
Shielded Focus Combat Shield Fighter Regain martial focus when an attack misses an active defense recipient, or when you fight defensively.