Magic Items/Gear/Feet

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Main > Magic Items > Feet
Item Price Weight
Boots of Distraction 900 gp 0.5 lb.
Bullhide Boots 1,250 gp 3 lb.
Mountaineer's Boots 1,600 gp 1 lb.
Shadow Footsteps 1,800 gp 1 lb.
Item Price Weight
Abarka of Allure 2,000 gp 1 lb.
Boots of Dwarvenkind 2,000 gp 1 lb.
Gravewalkers 2,000 gp 1 lb.
Hit Kickers 2,200 gp 1 lb.
Boots of Halflingkind 2,500 gp 0.5 lb.
Boots of Humankind 2,500 gp 1 lb.
Boots of Orcishkind 2,500 gp 1 lb.
Matching Shoes 2,500 gp 1 lb.
One-Third League Boots 2,500 gp 1 lb.
Slippers of Secrecy 2,500 gp
Wave Runners 2,500 gp 1 lb.
Boots of Striding 3,000 gp 1 lb.

Abarka of Allure

Two thin leather straps hold this light leather sandal tightly to the toe and ankle. An unusually tall and thin cavalier-boot-like heel allows the abarka to be used when riding with stirrups, though it makes running in them slightly more difficult.

Twice a day as a full-round action you may make a Diplomacy check to alter an NPC’s attitude toward you without suffering the normal –10 penalty for doing so (normally, such checks take a minimum of one minute).

As a result of the tall heel, if you take a run action in these, you only go three time (x3) your movement rate (rather than the normal x4).

Boots of Distraction

These cloth boots are made for heavy wear. They are made of two layers of cloth, a soft inner layer and a thick, rough outer material. Cloth frog closures close them at the ankle and mid-calf. Supple leather strips are sewn into the sole, providing a flexible and quiet footfall. The heel of each boot is marked with a gnomish sigil meaning “repeat.”

As a standard action you can create the sound of up to four booted sets of feet walking, running, or marching away from you. The sound travels from where you are to any point up to 30 feet away, and lasts up to two rounds. For the round you activate the boots and the next round, you gain a +2 bonus to all Stealth checks.

Boots of Dwarvenkind

These heavy, black leather boots are shod with iron soles and held together with heavy iron rivets. Despite their uncomfortable appearance, they fit cozily around your feet, giving firm but supple support to your soles, ankles, and calves.

While wearing these you gain a 10 ft. enhancement bonus to your movement rate if you are wearing armor that encumbers as medium or heavy armor, or if you are in medium or heavy encumbrance. Thus, while wearing these boots, a human in leather armor carrying a heavy load, an elf in a mithral breastplate, or a dwarf in full plate armor all have a 30-ft. movement rate.

Boots of Halflingkind

These boots are clearly designed for a Small creature, though they size to fit whoever picks them up. They are surprisingly soft and flexible brown leather, with buttons running from ankle to calf and fringe along the top of each. A split at the end of the boots allows the big toe is flex separately from the rest of the toes.

While wearing these, you make take 10 on Acrobatics and Climb checks even when in circumstances of distraction, stress, or combat, when you would not normally be allowed to take 10.

Boots of Humankind

Worn as either thigh-high boots, or with cuffs turned down to a swashbuckler-like calf height, these boots are simple tanned leather. They fit snugly with no sign of fasteners. Most are undyed brown, though some are a simple blue, green, or red in color.

While wearing these boots, as a standard action you may choose one of the following skills: Acrobatics, Climb, Ride, or Swim. You gain a +3 enhancement bonus to that skill until you either use another standard action to reassign the bonus or remove the boots.

Boots of Orcishkind

These heavy, crudely stitched rawhide boots include heavy iron buckles across the top of the foot and twice along the calf. Wearing them makes you feel firmly grounded, as though your stance could grant you additional leverage.

Boots of orcishkind grant to a +1 bonus to melee attack rolls and damage with melee weapons on any round you take no movement at all (not even a 5 ft. step) and take a full attack action. If you are using a two-handed weapon, the damage bonus increases to +2.

Boots of Striding

These boots provide a +10 enhancement bonus to the wearer’s base land speed.

Bullhide Boots

These heavy boots are made of thick leather, with heavy brown hair still attached to the outer surface. The soles are made of a dark material that looks like iron but is flexible and comfortable. The boots have three brass buckles running up each side, providing a tight fit to the calf. Each footprint left by the boots include a hoofprint in the front third, making the prints distinctive.

If you succeed at a bull rush maneuver while wearing bullhide boots, and you move with the defender to push him back, you may push your foe 5 feet further than normal.


The delicate bones that form these sandals are bleached white with age. Worn ligaments hold the bones together, with a flexible sole of fingerbones covering the bottom of the wearer’s foot, and clasps in the form of small animal skulls holding them firmly to the wearer’s ankles.

While wearing these, undead are unlikely to see you as a threat, instead treating you as one of their own. The undead see and hear you, but don’t think of you as something to be feared, hated, or attacked unless you prove otherwise.

Any unintelligent undead automatically ignore you unless you act against them.

Intelligent undead receive a DC 11 Will save to act normally when they first see you, but if that save fails, they also ignore you until you take some offensive action, or a day passes (granting the intelligent undead a new save).

Hit Kickers

These thick, black leather boots are lined with steel buckles up each side and studded steel plates covering the toes.

When you take a full attack action to attack a single foe in melee combat, you may add a single kick attack with these boots. This attack is made at your highest attack bonus, and deals 1d6 points of damage plus your Strength modifier on a successful attack. This attack counts as an armed attack with which you are proficient. This attack may not be used to perform a combat maneuver.

Matching Shoes

These shoes are simple slop footwear of leather and cotton thread. A close examination reveals the workmanship is exquisite – much finer than anything of so simple a design deserves. Additionally, while the shoes are a drab brown normally, they are reversible to show multicolored strips of silk and satin, taking the form of a pair of jester’s slippers.

The magic of matching shoes allows them to change the color, style, and texture of all the clothing and armor worn by the individual wearing the shoes (including the shoes themselves). These changes are real, not illusory, but have no effect on the game mechanical effects of these garments. (A suit of leather armor can be made to have the shape of plate male, and turn golden in color and smooth and metallic in texture, but it’s still only as protective as the leather armor).

The matching shoes do not turn one kind of garment into another – a robe must look like a robe, though it may become shorter, longer, thicker, thinner, simpler, more ornate, or even change to be the color and texture of rock. Furthermore, items do not become heavier, lighter, warmer, or cooler to any degree worth a game mechanical bonus or penalty.

Because it is so easy to change an outfit with matching shoes, anyone wearing them gains a +5 circumstance bonus to Disguise checks. All changes are maintained only as long as the garments and matching shoes are worn by the same person. As soon as it is removed, the garment returns to its normal form.

Mountaineer's Boots

These stout and sturdy boots are made of thick leather, with iron buckles and strong iron grommets to hold the chain laces used to secure them to the wearer’s foot.

As a free action, the wearer can cause short, tacky studs to grow from the toes and soles of the boots, granting a +4 bonus to all Climb checks.

One-Third League Boots

These finely crafted leather boots rise to just above the knee, though the cuffs can be turned down to make them only calf-high. The material of the boots is extremely soft and smooth, and the soles are actually slightly springy. There are no fasteners for the boots; they simply conform snugly to whoever wears them. Most boots of this type are a light grey in color.

You may use the boots to make a mighty jump once per day. You travel 120 ft. per round while jumping and can only take one action per round while airborne, which must be a free, swift, or immediate action. If jumping horizontally, you may jump a maximum of one mile. You rise to an altitude equal to one-quarter the distance jumped. If you hit an anchored or massive object during your flight, you begin to fall.

If you jump vertically, you may jump up or down to a maximum height of 1,320 feet. You cannot use these boots if you are falling, you must jump from a standing position. You travel at 60 feet per round if jumping up, and 240 feet per round if jumping down, and are still limited to one free, swift, or immediate action per round while airborne If you can see your end destination when you jump, you land there safely. If you cannot, you must simply decide how far and in what direction you are jumping. In this case it requires a DC 15 Acrobatics check to land on your feet (and local conditions, such as landing in water, may make this impossible). On a failed check, you land prone.

Despite the maximum range of one mile, it’s much safer to use these boots to jump shorter distances.

Shadow Footsteps

These finely-crafted shoes appear to be made of thick, but not quite solid, shadow (though they are material to the touch, and protect their wearer’s feet as any solid footwear should).

Their magic function only comes into play when the wearer stands on the same terrain he knows another specific creature has stood on. The wearer must then walk around on the terrain for one minute, attempting to actually follow in the footsteps of the target creature (though no particular accuracy in finding the exact footfalls of the target is needed, just the effort coupled with sure knowledge the target once stood there.)

Once these conditions are met, the wearer of the magic shoes gains a +6 bonus to all Sense Motive checks made pertaining to the target creature. The shadow footsteps can be attuned in this way to only one creature at a time. Taking the time to gain the bonus with a new creature ends bonuses to any previous target of the shoes’ magic.

Slippers of Secrecy

Made of soft linen and soled in doeskin, these slippers are unremarkable in any way. While they fit snugly and are well made, they bear no maker’s mark or distinctive decoration.

While wearing these slippers, you leave no tracks of any kind, nor does your scent linger after you are gone (though your scent can still be used to find you when you are physically present). It is impossible to track you while you wear this magic footwear.

Wave Runners

Wave runners are always snug-fitting leather boots, generally made of blue-dyed leather or sharkskin, which are fitted with straps and buckles that cause the boots to conform tightly to the wearer’s calves.

While wearing these boots, a creature that begins its move on solid ground can run across liquids until the end of his turn. If his turn ends while still on a liquid surface, the wearer falls in. The wearer remains a fraction of an inch above the liquid he is running across, preventing damage from contact (such as with a poisonous bog) but not from proximity (such as a magma flow or the acid vapors of an alchemical spell).