Magic Items/Gear/Hands
Main > Magic Items |
Item | Price | Weight |
Energy Converter | 400 gp | 2 lb. |
Healer's Gloves | 750 gp | — |
Gauntlets of Maneuvers | 1,000 gp | 1 lb. |
Locklighters | 1,000 gp | — |
Death Grippers | 1,600 gp | — |
Ki Wraps | 1,600 gp | — |
Item | Price | Weight |
Hands of a Thousand Blocks | 2,000 gp | — |
Armiger's Gauntlets | 2,250 gp | 2 lb. |
Force Thrust Gauntlets | 2,500 gp | 2 lb. |
Gauntlets of the War Mage | 2,500 gp | 1 lb. |
Gloves of Staves | 2,500 gp | — |
Gloves of Swords | 2,500 gp | — |
Armiger's Gauntlets
A heavy pair of armored gauntlets, these magic items are a series of metal plates riveted to thick leather gloves. They alter their appearance and style to match any armor worn with them.
The gauntlets can put on your armor in the amount of time it normally takes to don hastily with help. They do this even if you are moving around and taking other actions (even fighting). The gauntlets work to protect your most vital regions first, causing your armor to grant you some bonus before it is fully donned. To figure how much bonus you get each round, determine how many rounds it takes to don your armor with help. Subtract your armor’s armor bonus from the number of rounds it takes to don. This is the number of rounds it takes to gain one point of armor bonus. Each round afterward, you gain one additional point of armor bonus, until you reach your full bonus, at which time your armor is fully donned.
For example, a knight with a suit of banded mail owns a pair of armiger’s gauntlets. It takes him 10 rounds (1 minute) to fully don his armor. Since his armor gives him a +6 armor bonus, he gains one point of armor bonus on the fourth round (10 rounds –6 armor bonus). Each round, the knight gains one additional point of armor bonus from his armor until round 10, when the armor is fully donned and grants his full +6 armor bonus.
The gauntlets can also remove your armor in the time it normally takes to remove it with help.
Death Grippers
The palms of these gloves are made of heavy leather, while the backs and cuffs are made from lighter cloth. The palms and insides of the fingers glisten as if damp and seem slightly tacky. Most sets of these gloves are a dark brown or black in color.
Energy Converter
These ornate gauntlets seem to be made of metal thin enough to be woven into threads, but durable enough to withstand the rigors of combat, making them more like gloves than gauntlets.
For one round, all damage from magical or supernatural sources that’s of the damage types on that list and that passes through or affects anything within the field becomes the type of damage selected.
Force Thrust Gauntlets
Thick, black iron gauntlets with glyphs of battering rams running along the forearm, force thrust gauntlets are popular with warriors who wish to prevent foes from fleeing out of melee range.
The wearer cannot be knocked prone as a result of failing trip maneuvers he makes with these gloves. This counts as a force effect, striking incorporeal targets normally. You may make this ranged trip attack against any creature, no matter what its size.
Gauntlets of Maneuvers
This gauntlet always comes in pairs, both of which must be worn to obtain its effects. While worn, the gauntlet of maneuvers grants a +1 competence bonus to one combat maneuver. The wearer receives the same bonus to their CMD against the same combat maneuver.
Gauntlets of the War Mage
These gloves are made of extremely supple black leather, with thicker hard leather plates bolted onto the backs of the wrist and along the tops of the fingers. The thicker leather is skillfully articulated, allowing the fingers a full range of motion. Small runes of silver have been worked into all the leather plates.
These bonuses cannot be used with spells delivered through weapon attacks or combined with weapon attacks in any way, nor do the damage bonuses apply to any spell that does not require an attack roll.
If a spell can affect multiple targets, only a single point of additional damage is done (select one target to take one additional point of damage).
Gloves of Staves
Though these gloves are clearly designed as a set, they are not identical. The left glove is plain brown leather with a decorative blue cuff but no other adornment. The right glove is of the same leather and style with a matching blue cuff, but is also covered in golden runes (of summoning and possession) that seem to have been branded into the leather.
When wearing both gloves, as a swift action you may summon any of the staves stored in the left-hand glove to the righthand glove of staves. You may only do this when the right hand is holding nothing or is holding a staff. If the hand is holding a staff, that staff is transformed into an icon on the left glove.
Note that the glowing staff icons can also be removed by grabbing the edge of the icon and pulling, which is the same as pulling a staff out of a pack (a move action that provokes an attack of opportunity). Others may also remove the staves in this manner, an action which is treated as identical to the act of removing an item from someone else’s pack. They can even be the target of a sunder attempt. In essence the stored staves are reduced to tiny replicas rather than shunted off to some extradimensional space.
Gloves of Swords
Though these gloves are clearly designed as a set, they are not identical. The left glove is plain brown leather with four mithril plates on the back of the hand. The right glove is of the same leather and style with a matching blue cuff, but is also covered in golden runes (of summoning and possession) that seem to have been branded into the leather.
When wearing both gloves, as a swift action you may summon any of the swords stored in the left-hand glove to the righthand glove of swords. You may only do this when the right hand is holding nothing or is holding a sword. If the hand is holding a sword, that sword is transformed into an icon on the left glove.
Note that the glowing sword icons can also be removed by grabbing the plate of the icon and pulling, which is the same as pulling a sword out of a pack (a move action that provokes an attack of opportunity). Others may also remove the sword in this manner, an action which is treated as identical to the act of removing an item from someone else’s pack. They can even be the target of a sunder attempt. In essence the stored swords are reduced to tiny replicas rather than shunted off to some extradimensional space.
Hands of a Thousand Blocks
These soft leather gloves fit snugly to the hands and forearms of the wearer, held in place by a series of buckles from wrist to elbow. Reinforced sections of thicker leather are found on the backs of the hands, and along the bottom of each glove.
This grants a +2 dodge bonus for 1 round (like all dodge bonuses, this stacks with the +4 dodge bonus granted by using total defense). If the wearer has both hands free (holding nothing) the bonus is instead a +4 dodge bonus to AC.
Healer's Gloves
These fine white linen gloves are thin and soft, offering little protection but also leaving the wearer still able to feel fine details while wearing them.
When wearing these gloves, as a standard action you can touch a creature, object, or area to determine if it has been diseased or is infectious. You can determine the exact type of disease with a DC 20 Wisdom check.
A character with ranks in the Heal skill may try a DC 20 Heal check (as an additional standard action) if the Wisdom check fails.
Ki Wraps
This matched set of thick, rough, cloth bands are designed to be wrapped around the wearer’s knuckles to give them protection, in the way that many street brawlers do. Embroidered into the strips are riddles and proverbs from many different cultures.
These fingerless gloves are made of fine silk in a pale yellow hue. Laces along the back of the gloves allows them to be fit very tightly. Close inspection reveals the gloves are covered in tiny glass beads, each etched with a magic rune meaning “light.”
The glow is very minor, giving you full illumination in a small radius within a few inches of your hands. This illumination is enough for you to pick a lock or read a book without penalty, but doesn’t cast light further than your own space (which is considered to be in dim illumination). You can easily focus the light from the gloves into a small area, and even have only part of the gloves glow. As a result the light from these gloves does not make it impossible for you to use the Stealth skill, and you suffer no penalty to Stealth checks when using their light.