Magic Items/Gear/Head

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Main > Magic Items > Head
Item Price Weight
Chattergem 1,000 gp 0.1 lb.
Circlet of Truth 1,600 gp 1 lb.


These tools are especially popular among thieves who, while not magically-inclined, often know enough about using magic items to activate them consistently.

Chattergems are Mind spell engines with the Project Thoughts charm and the Empath drawback, and they often take the form of simple half-circles with a gem in the center designed to be worn on one ear.
Spell Point Pool: 1 SP

Circlet of Truth

This plain silver circlet allows the wearer to discern the truth of others.

The circlet can be activated once per day by touching it as a standard action. For the next two minutes, if a speaker is within 30 ft., you can discern whether they are speaking truth or falsehood. If they speak falsehood, you do not learn the truth, and you cannot discern exactly which words were false, just that the statement as a whole was.