Magic Items/Gear/Ring

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Main > Magic Items > Ring
Item Price Weight
Tinder Ring 36 gp
Ring of Languages I 50 gp
Ring of Aptitude, Lesser 100 gp
Ring of Languages II 200 gp
Ring of Avoidance, Lesser 350 gp
Ring of Determination, Lesser 350 gp
Ring of Stoutness, Lesser 350 gp
Ring of Aptitude 400 gp
Ring of Languages III 450 gp
Ring of Recovery 450 gp
Sundial Ring 450 gp
Ring of Smoke 720 gp
Ring of Languages IV 800 gp
Brightmote Ring 900 gp
Medicinal Ring 900 gp
Ring of Aptitude, Greater 900 gp
Ring of Clotting 900 gp
Ring of Clotting 900 gp
Ring of the North Star 900 gp
Scholar's Ring 900 gp
Ring of Comfort 1,250 gp
Ring of Languages V 1,250 gp
Undertaker's Ring 1,250 gp
Ring of Avoidance 1,350 gp
Ring of Determination 1,350 gp
Ring of Stoutness 1,350 gp
Ring of Aptitude, Great 1,600 gp
Mind-Shielding Ring 1,800 gp 0.5 lb.
Ring of Canine Control 1,800 gp
Ring of Languages VI 1,800 gp
Ring of Rainment 1,800 gp
Item Price Weight
Aegis Ring 2,000 gp 1 lb.
Ring of Vigor 2,000 gp
Ring of Clarity 2,500 gp
Ring of Warning 2,500 gp
Ring of Shielding 3,500 gp 1 lb.

Aegis Ring

Extremely popular among adventurers for its protective qualities, this smooth iron ring is decorated with the symbol of a suit of armor on one side and a shield on the other.

When worn, an aegis ring provides a +1 deflection bonus to armor class.

Brightmote Ring

A brightmote ring can be activated as a standard action, creating a glowing mote of light as bright as a torch. The light moves as directed by the wearer (no concentration needed), though it must stay within 110 feet of the ring wearer. The light lasts until it exceeds this range, or is dispelled by the ring wearer (a free action).

Medicinal Ring

This heavy iron ring is covered with simple etchings of entwined, winged snakes.

Any time the hand wearing the ring is touched to a poisonous material, creature or item, the medicinal ring turns slightly greenish.

Mind-Shielding Ring

Once per day, you can activate this ring as a standard action to gain a +2 morale bonus to saving throws made against mind-affecting effects.

This bonus lasts for up to 2 rounds, but ends as soon as you attempt a saving throw against such an effect, regardless of the success.

Ring of Aptitude

These simple steel rings grant a +2 competence bonus to one skill.

Ring of Aptitude, Great

These simple steel rings grant a +4 competence bonus to one skill.

Ring of Aptitude, Greater

These simple steel rings grant a +3 competence bonus to one skill.

Ring of Aptitude, Lesser

These simple steel rings grant a +1 competence bonus to one skill.

Ring of Avoidance

Rings of avoidance are thin wires that must be wrapped around the wearer’s finger.

Anyone wearing such a ring gains a +2 resistance bonus to all Reflex saves.

Ring of Avoidance, Lesser

Rings of avoidance are thin wires that must be wrapped around the wearer’s finger. Anyone wearing such a ring gains a +1 resistance bonus to all Reflex saves.

Ring of Canine Control

A ring of canine control charm dogs, wolves, dire wolves, foxes, and similar canine animals on command.

The animal regard you as its trusted friend, though it might consider your allies differently.

The ring does not enable you to control the charmed animal as if it were an automaton, but it perceives your words and actions in the most favorable way. You can try to give the subject orders, but you must win an opposed Charisma check to convince it to do anything it wouldn’t ordinarily do. (Retries are not allowed.) The magic of the ring allows the animal to understand these spoken orders.

Any act by you or your apparent allies that threatens the charmed animal breaks the spell.

The Will save DC against this effect is 11 + the wearer’s Cha modifier. If the creature is currently being threatened or attacked by you or your allies, however, it receives a +5 bonus on its saving throw.

(Similar rings attuned to felines, serpents, whales, equines or similar single category also exist, but make up only 10% of all such rings.)

Ring of Clarity

This crystal ring is actually somewhat difficult to see. A DC 20 Perception check is required to notice it on someone’s finger.

Once per day, it allows the wearer to take 10 on a concentration check, even if they are threatened. When used, the ring turns opaque grey-pink until it is ready to be used again.

Ring of Clotting

Rings of clotting are always either bright red metal, or simple silver with a red gem cut in the form of a simple cross. At the end of the wearer's turn, the ring of clotting automatically stops any bleeding if the the wearer of the ring has 0 or less hit points.

Ring of Clotting

Rings of clotting are always either bright red metal, or simple silver with a red gem cut in the form of a simple cross. At the end of the wearer's turn, the ring of clotting automatically stops any bleeding if the the wearer of the ring has 0 or less hit points.

Ring of Comfort

This remarkable bit of jewelry creates a sense of comfort in the wearer, granting some benefits when resisting situations of discomfort or fatigue.

The wearer receives a +1 bonus to the following checks and saves: Swim checks made to resist nonlethal damage; Constitution checks made to continue running, to avoid nonlethal damage from a forced march, to hold your breath, or to avoid nonlethal damage from starvation or thirst; Fortitude saves made to avoid nonlethal damage from hot or cold environments or resist damage from suffocation.

Ring of Determination

This simple band of iron has a plain exterior, but the inner surface is carved with runes.

The wearer gains a +2 resistance bonus to all Will saves.

Ring of Determination, Lesser

This simple band of iron has a plain exterior, but the inner surface is carved with runes.

The wearer gains a +1 resistance bonus to all Will saves.

Ring of Languages I

Written on the inside of each ring is the name of the language that a ring grants proficiency in, inscribed in its own native alphabet.

A ring of languages allows the wearer to read, write and speak one additional language.

A ring of languages must be worn for a week to grant its benefit, and if removed must be worn for another week before it functions again.

Ring of Languages II

Written on the inside of each ring is the name of the language that a ring grants proficiency in, inscribed in its own native alphabet.

A ring of languages allows the wearer to read, write and speak two additional languages.

A ring of languages must be worn for a week to grant its benefit, and if removed must be worn for another week before it functions again.

Ring of Languages III

Written on the inside of each ring is the name of the language that a ring grants proficiency in, inscribed in its own native alphabet.

A ring of languages allows the wearer to read, write and speak three additional languages.

A ring of languages must be worn for a week to grant its benefit, and if removed must be worn for another week before it functions again.

Ring of Languages IV

Written on the inside of each ring is the name of the language that a ring grants proficiency in, inscribed in its own native alphabet.

A ring of languages allows the wearer to read, write and speak four additional languages.

A ring of languages must be worn for a week to grant its benefit, and if removed must be worn for another week before it functions again.

Ring of Languages V

Written on the inside of each ring is the name of the language that a ring grants proficiency in, inscribed in its own native alphabet.

A ring of languages allows the wearer to read, write and speak five additional languages.

A ring of languages must be worn for a week to grant its benefit, and if removed must be worn for another week before it functions again.

Ring of Languages VI

Written on the inside of each ring is the name of the language that a ring grants proficiency in, inscribed in its own native alphabet.

A ring of languages allows the wearer to read, write and speak six additional languages.

A ring of languages must be worn for a week to grant its benefit, and if removed must be worn for another week before it functions again.

Ring of Rainment

A character wearing a ring of rainment may change his clothing to be of any style and type he wishes, including cleric’s vestments, or an artisan’s, cold weather, courtier’s, entertainer’s, explorer’s, monk’s, noble’s, peasant’s, royal, scholar’s or traveler’s outfit.

Jewelry and similar non-clothing items are not added or changed, but the style, cut, color and decoration of the clothes is entirely at the will of the ring’s wearer.

If an item is put in a pocket that ceases to exist, it falls to the ground.

Though this does not add any bonus to a character making a Disguise check, it may prevent the character from taking any penalties.

Ring of Recovery

A character wearing a ring of recovery heals hit points naturally as if he were two levels higher.

Thus the character recovers two additional hit points after a night’s rest, two additional points of nonlethal damage per hour, and if the Heal skill is successfully used to treat deadly wounds the character recovers two additional hit points. If the character gets 24 hours of bed rest, he gains 4 additional hit points.

Ring of Shielding

A lender silver ring often used by those with money to spare and a need to wear more magical items.

These rings grant a +1 deflection bonus to armor class and an equal resistance bonus to all saving throws.

Ring of Smoke

When the wearer speaks its command word, a ring of smoke produces enough thick, opaque smoke to fill a 10-foot cube.

The smoke obscures all sight, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. A creature within 5 feet has concealment. Creatures farther away have total concealment.

Once produced the smoke is mundane, and dissipates normally in 1 minute. A moderate wind (11+ mph) or stronger disperses the smoke in 4 rounds.

The ring does not function underwater.

Ring of Stoutness

These tight-fitting leather bands are either plain brown or black, stretching slightly for a good fit on any size finger.

Anyone wearing such a ring gains a +2 resistance bonus to all Fortitude saves.

Ring of Stoutness, Lesser

These tight-fitting leather bands are either plain brown or black, stretching slightly for a good fit on any size finger.

Anyone wearing such a ring gains a +1 resistance bonus to all Fortitude saves.

Ring of the North Star

A ring of the north star always has a single quartz gem mounted in a square setting.

As a standard action the wearer may focus on the quartz, which then glows slightly. The glow focuses on one section of the ring like a tiny star, indicating the direction of North.

Ring of Vigor

These useful rings are generally heavy bands of gold, and are often carried by arcane spellcasters when out adventuring.

The wearer of a ring of vigor gains an enhancement bonus of +1 hit point per level or hit die. The ring must be worn for a week before this benefit is gained, and if it is removed it must be worn for another week before the benefit is restored.

Ring of Warning

A ring of warning is always a heavy metal band with a cat’s eye set in a square mounting.

The wearer of a ring of warning does not suffer any drawbacks when attacked by an invisible foe in melee (or when attacked by anyone while the ring’s wearer is blinded). The wearer does not lose his Dexterity bonus to AC against such attacks, and the attacker does not gain a +2 to attacks for being invisible.

However, an unseen attacker still gains all the normal bonuses for ranged attacks.

Scholar's Ring

These simple rings are generally made from gold wire and greenish glass in the rough image of a tiny pair of spectacles.

Anyone wearing a scholar’s ring can speak a command word to read magical writings as if possessing the Read Magic divination of the Diviner feat.

Sundial Ring

A sundial ring has a small golden sundial worked onto its face, which moves to show the correct time regardless of lighting conditions.

A character wearing the ring can determine (as a standard action) what time it is (to the nearest minute) and how many hours it is to dawn or sundown (whichever is next). The wearer may choose to be alerted when a set number of minutes have passed. This alert is silent to anyone except the ring wearer, though it is loud enough to awaken him from mundane slumber.

Tinder Ring

This small, wooden ring ignites a tiny flame when struck against a rough surface.

Creating a flame with a tinder ring is much faster than creating a flame with flint and steel (or a magnifying glass) and tinder. Lighting a torch with a tinder ring is a standard action (rather than a full-round action), and lighting any other fire with one is at least a standard action.

Undertaker's Ring

An undertaker’s ring is a small black band marked with holy symbols (generally to gods of guardianship of the dead). It is generally carried by priests who deal with burials and patrolling graveyards.

A character able to channel positive energy may do so one additional time per day if wearing an undertaker’s ring.