Magical Implement

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Main > Magic > Magical Implement

Just as a weapon can grant enhancement bonuses to its wielder’s attack and damage rolls, an implement of power serves as a focus for magical power, adding enhancement bonuses to its wielder’s caster level with a particular school.

Details: These bonuses are always enhancement bonuses, and therefore multiple implements benefiting the same school do not stack. These bonuses only apply to the wielder themselves; this bonus does not apply to wands nor other magic items they might be using.
Minions: Implements of Death and Conjuration do not increase the number or statistics of undead or companions; instead, such implements grant circumstance bonuses to attack rolls and skill checks for controlled companions and undead.
Pricing: Just like a magical weapon, an implement of power has its cost calculated according to its maximum bonus; an implement of power grants an enhancement bonus from +1 to +5, with a total possible bonus of +10. Just like a magic weapon, an implement costs 2,000 gp x (total bonus) squared.
The following special abilities can be added to an implement:

Arcane Feat: The bearer gains access to a specific feat while they wield the implement. The crafter must have access to a feat to add it to an implement. If the feat is a (form) Conjuration talent, it may be applied to any companion the caster summons, but no more than one creature at any given time. To contain an advanced talent, the implement needs a minimum caster level equal to the talent’s prerequisites; the bearer of the implement does not gain access to the talent unless they or the implement possess all of its prerequisite talents. This benefit can be granted multiple times.
Cost: +2

Second School: The staff’s granted enhancement bonus applies to the wielder’s caster level with an additional school. This benefit can be granted multiple times. The crafter must have access to any sphere to be added in this fashion.

Cost: +1