One of:
- type: type that should be included
- subtype: type that should be included
- where: a where statement
{{MonsterListLinks|type=magical beast}}
Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT CONCAT( '', Name, '' ) AS `LinkName`,`CR` AS `CR`,`XP` AS `XP` FROM `cargo__Monsters` WHERE Type = "magical beast" GROUP BY `Name` ORDER BY `XP`,`Name` LIMIT 100
Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT CONCAT( '', Name, '' ) AS `LinkName`,`CR` AS `CR`,`XP` AS `XP` FROM `cargo__Monsters` WHERE `cargo__Monsters`.`_ID` IN (SELECT `_rowID` FROM `cargo__Monsters__Subtypes` WHERE `_value`= "undead") GROUP BY `Name` ORDER BY `XP`,`Name` LIMIT 100
{{MonsterListLinks|where=Type = "humanoid" AND Subtypes HOLDS "human"}}
Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT CONCAT( '', Name, '' ) AS `LinkName`,`CR` AS `CR`,`XP` AS `XP` FROM `cargo__Monsters` WHERE Type = "humanoid" AND `cargo__Monsters`.`_ID` IN (SELECT `_rowID` FROM `cargo__Monsters__Subtypes` WHERE `_value`= "human") GROUP BY `Name` ORDER BY `XP`,`Name` LIMIT 100