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Training in the Alchemy style teaches you how to quickly and efficiently combine volatile chemicals for new or enhanced effects.

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Latest revision as of 21:43, 20 January 2022

Main > Feats > Combat Styles > Alchemist Style

Training in the Alchemy style teaches you how to quickly and efficiently combine volatile chemicals for new or enhanced effects.

Alchemist Style Feats

Feat Name Categories Prerequisites Benefit
Alchemist Combat Learn to brew alchemical formulae.
Aligned Liquid Combat Alchemist Create thrown flask which deals damage to specific creature based on alignment.
Focusing Formula Combat Alchemist Create concoction which restores martial focus as a move action.
Grease Combat Alchemist Create magical grease which aids escape and hinders movement.
Improved Acid Flask Combat Alchemist Create an acid flask with improved damage.
Improved Alchemist Fire Combat Alchemist Create an alchemist fire with improved damage.
Improved Bottled Lightning Combat Alchemist Create bottled lightning with improved damage.
Improved Flash Powder Combat Alchemist Create flash powder which blinds all within a 10-ft. radius.
Improved Fuse Grenade Combat Alchemist Create a fuse which deals 4d6+ damage within a 20-ft. radius after 1d3 rounds delay.
Improved Itching Powder Combat Alchemist Create an itching powder which causes a -2 penalty to most rolls.
Improved Sneezing Powder Combat Alchemist Create an sneezing powder which causes opponents to lose their standard action.
Improved Tanglefoot Bag Combat Alchemist Create an tanglefoot bag which immobilizes an opponent.
Improved Thunderstone Combat Alchemist Create an tanglefoot bag which immobilizes an opponent.
Panacea Combat Alchemist Create a potion to remove a single negative condition.




Benefit: You gain the ability to gain and expend martial focus, as well as the following ability:


All formulae have a base crafting DC as noted in their descriptor, and their saving throw DCs, if any, are determined using the normal formula for combat sphere feats, using the practitioner’s ranks in Crafting(alchemy) in place of their base attack bonus. The necessary ingredients for creating formulae are gathered over the course of a given day; there is no monetary cost to creating a formulae. You may craft any item whose formulae you know in 30 minutes, or 15 minutes if you have access to an alchemist’s lab or alchemist’s crafting kit, but due to the volatile nature of the enhanced formulae you cannot prepare more formulae at one time than a number equal to 1/2 your ranks in Crafting(alchemy) (minimum 1) + the number of formulae feats you possess.

Once you have 4 ranks in Crafting (alchemy) you may craft 1 additional formulae as part of the same 30/15 minute time period.

Any creature affected by splash damage from an improved formulae is entitled to a Reflex save to reduce the damage by half.

Because formulae are more unstable than standard alchemical items, they expire and no longer work after 24 hours; it is relatively easy (DC 10 Commerce) to recognize the unstable and impermanent nature of these items so typically they have no monetary value; a potential buyer who fails their Commerce check assumes they are a standard item of their type (if applicable), or as a mundane item worth no more than 10 gp.

In addition, the overly refined and unstable nature of formulae means that they cannot be further refined or enhanced by items such as focusing flasks or hybridization funnels.

You cannot fail to craft an alchemical item you know the formulae for; failure to meet the DC instead means you create the item but at its minimum potency, without additional effects or benefits for having additional Crafting(alchemy) ranks or having increased the crafting DC.

When you first gain this package, you may learn any one formulae feat you qualify for.

Special: Gain a number of ranks in Crafting (alchemy) equal to your level. Whenever you gain a level your ranks in Crafting (alchemy) increases by +1.

If you already have ranks in the Crafting (alchemy) skill you may immediately retrain them, but you do not get to retrain when only temporarily gaining the feat.

Aligned Liquid[edit]


Prerequisites: Alchemist

Benefit: Craft DC: 20

You create a vial of aligned liquid, imbuing it with the powers of its associated alignment (chaotic, evil, good, or lawful) chosen at the time the formulae is crafted. You may attack a creature with this liquid as a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 10 ft. A flask breaks if thrown against the body of a corporeal creature, but to use it against an incorporeal creature, you must open the flask and pour the liquid out onto the target.

Thus, you can douse an incorporeal creature with aligned liquid only if you are adjacent to it. Doing so is a non-compromising ranged touch attack. Aligned liquids have the following effects based on their associated alignment:

  • Good: A direct hit by a flask of good aligned liquid deals 2d4 points of damage +1d4 per two ranks in Crafting (alchemy) you possess to undead creatures or evil outsiders. Each such creature within 5 ft. of the point where the flask hits takes 1 point of damage from the splash.
  • Evil: A direct hit by a flask of evil aligned liquid deals 2d4 points of damage +1d4 per two ranks in Crafting (alchemy) you possess to living creatures or good outsiders. Each such creature within 5 ft. of the point where the flask hits takes 1 point of damage from the splash.
  • Chaotic: A direct hit by a flask of chaotic aligned liquid deals 2d4 points of damage +1d4 per two ranks in Crafting (alchemy) you possess to constructs or lawful outsiders. Each such creature within 5 ft. of the point where the flask hits takes 1 point of damage from the splash.
  • Lawful: A direct hit by a flask of lawful aligned liquid deals 2d4 points of damage +1d4 per two ranks in Crafting (alchemy) you possess to

elementals or chaotic outsiders. Each such creature within 5 ft. of the point where the flask hits takes 1 point of damage from the splash.

You can increase the Craft DC for this weapon in increments of 10; each time you do so, the range for each damage increment increases by 5 ft. (for example, if you increase the Craft DC to 30, you would deal full damage to all affected targets within 5 ft. of the point of contact and 1 point of damage to all other affected creatures within 10 ft.).

Focusing Formula[edit]


Prerequisites: Alchemist

Benefit: Craft DC: 15

You create a concoction you can draw and drink as a move action to restore your martial focus. You may also draw and administer this formulae to an ally within your reach as a standard action, granting them its benefits as though they had drunk it themselves. You can increase the Craft DC for this item in increments of 10; each time you do so, the focusing formula becomes more potent, allowing you to drink less for the same effects, giving you an additional use of the item before it is consumed.



Prerequisites: Alchemist

Benefit: Craft DC: 20

You create a flask of alchemical grease that can be applied to yourself or a willing creature within your reach as a move action, or thrown as a splash weapon. When applied to a willing creature, they gain a +5 circumstance bonus on Acrobatics(Escape Artist) checks, and to CMB checks to escape a grapple. When thrown as a splash weapon, creatures directly hit by the attack take a -2 penalty to Acrobatics checks, CMD against disarm and trip attempts, and to Reflex saving throws against effects that deal fire damage or which cause a creature to catch fire on a failed saving throw; creatures within the splash radius of the weapon take the same penalties but reduce them by 50% (rounded down). In addition, any creature affected by this alchemical grease who falls prone must succeed on an Acrobatics check with a DC equal to the practitioner’s combat feat save DC when standing up or immediately fall prone again. A creature may end this effect by spending a standard action removing the grease.

This grease remains for 2 rounds. You can increase the Craft DC of this alchemical by 5 to increase the duration of the grease’s effects for 2 additional rounds, or to increase the bonuses and penalties granted by the alchemical grease by 1. You can apply both modifications to the same vial of grease but must apply the DC increases separately for each effect (so increasing the grease’s duration by 2 rounds and increasing the bonuses and penalties by 1 requires a total modification to the crafting DC of +10).

Improved Acid Flask[edit]


Prerequisites: Alchemist

Benefit: Craft DC: 15

You create a flask of acid that functions as a splash weapon you can use as a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 10 ft., dealing 1d6 acid damage +1d6 per two Crafting (alchemy) ranks you possess to the target of a direct hit, half that damage to targets 5 ft. away from the point of contact, and 1 point of acid splash damage per die of damage this weapon deals on a direct hit to targets 10 ft. away from the point of contact (to a maximum of half the damage dealt to the primary target). Targets who take at least 2 points of acid damage from the initial attack take half the total damage again on the following round.

You can increase the Craft DC for this weapon in increments of 10; each time you do so, the range for each damage increment increases by 5 ft. (for example, if you increase the Craft DC to 25, you would deal full damage to all targets within 5 ft. of the point of contact, half damage to all targets 10 ft. away from the point of contact, and 1 point of damage to all creatures within 15 ft.).

Improved Alchemist Fire[edit]


Prerequisites: Alchemist

Benefit: Craft DC: 20

You create a flask of alchemist’s fire that functions as a splash weapon you can use as a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 10 ft., dealing 1d6 fire damage +1d6 per two Crafting (alchemy) ranks you possess to the target of a direct hit, half that damage to targets 5 ft. away from the point of contact, and 1 point of fire splash damage per die of damage this weapon deals on a direct hit to targets 10 ft. away from the point of contact (to a maximum of half the damage dealt to the primary target). All targets closer than the furthest splash damage ring catch fire and suffer an additional 1d6 points of fire damage again on each subsequent round. Affected targets can use a full-round action to attempt to extinguish the flames before taking this additional damage with a successful Reflex save; rolling on the ground provides the target a +2 bonus on the save. Leaping into a large body of water or magically extinguishing the flames automatically smothers the fire.

You can increase the Craft DC for this weapon in increments of 10; each time you do so, the range for each damage increment increases by 5 ft. (for example, if you increase the Craft DC to 30, you would deal full damage to all targets within 5 ft. of the point of contact, half damage to all targets 10 ft. away from the point of contact, and 1 point of damage to all creatures within 15 ft.).

Improved Bottled Lightning[edit]


Prerequisites: Alchemist

Benefit: Craft DC: 25

Improved bottled lightning unleashes a small bolt of lightning toward an enemy within 20 ft. of you. This is a ranged touch attack that deals 1d8 points of electricity damage, plus 1d8 per 2 Crafting (alchemy) ranks you possess. Any creature in a line between you and the target (including the target) takes 1 point of sonic damage plus 1 point per rank in Crafting (alchemy) you possess from the terrific clap of thunder the bolt generates.

You can increase the Craft DC for this weapon in increments of 10; each time you do so, the range increases by 10 ft. and the sonic damage dealt to creatures in the line of effect increases by 1d6.

Improved Flash Powder[edit]


Prerequisites: Alchemist

Benefit: Craft DC: 20

You create a single use bag of improved flash powder that can be thrown as a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 20 ft. Creatures within a 10-ft. radius burst of the point of contact are blinded for 1 round unless they succeed at a Fortitude saving throw against this effect. You can increase the Craft DC for this item in increments of 10; each time you do so, the radius increases by 10 ft. and the duration of the blindness increases by 1 round.

Improved Fuse Grenade[edit]


Prerequisites: Alchemist

Benefit: Craft DC: 25

An improved fuse grenade may be lit and thrown into an unoccupied square capable of supporting an object within 60 ft. as a standard action. 1d3 rounds after being lit, the grenade explodes, dealing 2d6 points of bludgeoning damage and 2d6 points of fire damage in a 20-foot-radius burst (Reflex halves). For every 3 ranks in Crafting (alchemy) you possess, both the bludgeoning and fire damage from this item increase by an additional 1d6. You can increase the Craft DC for this item in increments of 10; each time you do so, the radius increases by 10 ft. and the Reflex save DC increases by +1.

Improved Itching Powder[edit]


Prerequisites: Alchemist

Benefit: Craft DC: 25

You create a single use bag of fine gray powder you can throw as a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 10 ft. that causes targets to suffer from uncontrollable itching until they spend at least 1 round cleaning it off. Anyone standing on the square of impact or in adjacent squares must make a Fortitude save; targets 10 ft. away must also succeed at a Fortitude save but gain a +5 circumstance bonus. Creatures that fail the save take a –2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks until they wash the powder off. This is a poison effect. You can increase the Craft DC for this item in increments of 10; each time you do so, the area of effect improves by 5 ft., and all saving throw DCs increase by +2.

Improved Sneezing Powder[edit]


Prerequisites: Alchemist

Benefit: Craft DC: 25

You create a single use bag of coarse yellowish-red powder that can be used as a range touch attack with a range increment of 10 ft. Anyone standing in the square of impact or an adjacent squares must make Fortitude saves; creatures within 10 ft. of the point of impact must also make Fortitude saves, but gain a +5 competence bonus on the save. Creatures who fail their initial save are dazed for 1 round as they succumb to uncontrollable sneezing, and must make a Fortitude save each round for 1d4+1 rounds thereafter or continue to be dazed.

A successful save ends the effect. This is a poison effect. You can increase the Craft DC for this item in increments of 10; each time you do so, the area of effect improves by 5 ft., and all saving throw DCs increase by +2.

Improved Tanglefoot Bag[edit]


Prerequisites: Alchemist

Benefit: Craft DC: 25

You create a single use bag that can be thrown at a creature as a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 10 ft.; on a successful attack, the bag comes apart and goo bursts out, entangling the target and then becoming tough and resilient upon exposure to air. An entangled creature gets the Immobilized and Clumsy 4 conditions. Even on a successful save, it can move only at half speed. A flying creature is not stuck to the floor, but it must make a Reflex save or be unable to fly (assuming it uses its wings to fly) and fall to the ground. Improved tanglefoot bags do not function underwater.

A creature that is glued to the floor (or unable to fly) can break free by making a Strength check or by dealing 20 points of damage to the goo with a slashing weapon. A creature trying to scrape goo off itself, or another creature assisting, does not need to make an attack roll; hitting the goo is automatic, after which the creature that hit makes a damage roll to see how much of the goo was scraped off. Once free, the creature can move (including flying) at half speed. The goo becomes brittle and fragile after 3d4 rounds, cracking apart and losing its effectiveness; any penalties imposed by this effect end at that time as well. An application of universal solvent to a stuck creature dissolves the alchemical goo immediately.

You can increase the Craft DC for this item in increments of 10; the first time you do so, all creatures within 5 ft. of the original target must make a Reflex save or suffer the effects of having been hit by an improved tanglefoot bag. For every additional 10 by which you increase the DC, the radius of this effect increases by an additional 5 ft.

Improved Thunderstone[edit]


Prerequisites: Alchemist

Benefit: Craft DC: 25

You create an alchemical stone that can be used as a ranged attack with a range increment of 10 ft. When it strikes a hard surface (or is struck hard), it creates a deafening bang that is treated as a sonic attack. Each creature within a 10-ft.-radius spread must make a Fortitude save or be deafened for 1 hour.

You can increase the Craft DC for this item in increments of 10; each time you do so you increase the duration of this ability by 1 hour, add 1d6 sonic damage to all creatures within the effect’s radius (creatures who pass their saving throw against this item take half damage), and increase the radius of the effect by 10 ft.



Prerequisites: Alchemist

Benefit: You create a vial of liquid that can be used as a potion, removing a single negative condition the drinker is currently suffering from. The conditions that a panacea can remove are determined by the Craft DC used for its creation:

DC Various Clumsy Enfeebled Fatigued Fearful Sickened Slowed Stunned Stupefied
20 Deafened 2 2 2 2 1 move - 2
30 Confused, diseased,
immobilized, poisoned
5 5 5 5 4 standard 1 5
40 Blinded, paralyzed 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 5+ any 2+ 6+