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Main > Feats

While some feats are more useful to certain types of characters than others, and many of them have special prerequisites that must be met before they are selected, as a general rule feats represent abilities outside of the normal scope of your character’s race and class.

Basic Categories
Martial Subcategories
Magical Subcategories

Name Categories Prerequisites Benefit
Name Categories Prerequisites Benefit
Abjurer Arcane Protection School Gain the ability to create barriers or deflecting aegis.
Acrobatic Mount Combat Ride Ride Move your mount easier through threatened squares.
Active Camouflage Combat Scout Gain bonus to Stealth when ending your turn in cover different from where your started.
Adept Climber Athletics Combat Athletics Climb faster and safer.
Adept Flier Athletics Combat Athletics Reduce effects of wind and low speed while flying.
Adept Jumper Athletics Combat Athletics Reduce the effective height of falls.
Adept Runner Athletics Combat Athletics Run faster and jump farther.
Adept Swimmer Athletics Combat Athletics Swim faster and hold breath while exerting yourself.
Aerial Trip Combat BAB +5, Deft Maneuvers You can trip flying creatures causing them to fall.
Alchemist Combat Learn to brew alchemical formulae.
Aligned Liquid Combat Alchemist Create thrown flask which deals damage to specific creature based on alignment.
Animal Accomplish Combat Ride Tame Your animal ally may aid your combat maneuvers.
Animal Bodyguard Combat Ride Tame You and your animal ally may aid each other's AC.
Animal Doubleteam Combat Ride Tame Make a free attack against an enemy when your animal ally succeeds on a combat maneuver.
Animal Empathy Combat Tame Tame Animal You can improve the attitude of an animal.
Archery Training Combat Weapon Training Gain proficiency in bows and crossbows.
Armored Mount Combat Ride Ride Your mount gains temporary hit points and bonus AC.
Athletics Athletics Combat Style Become a master of movement.
Axe Training Combat Weapon Training Gain proficiency in axes, picks and axe polearms.
Axe Training Combat Weapon Training Gain proficiency in axes, picks and axe polearms.
Barrage Combat Gain the ability to make an additional ranged attack per turn.
Barroom Fighter Combat Gain expertise in improvised weapons and hard drinking.
Battering Defense Combat Shield Fighter Dealing damage batters an opponent that missed an attack.
Battle Mage Arcane Destruction School Gain the ability to create destructive blasts.
Bee Keeper Combat Tame Tame Animal You may tame creatures with the swarm subtype.
Berserker Combat Gain temporary hit points each turn, and gain a special attack that inflicts battered.
Blades Training Combat Weapon Training Gain proficiency in swords and daggers.
Blind-Fight Combat Halve miss chance for concealment.
Blockade Combat Shield Fighter Expend your martial focus to gain Evasion.
Bolster Beast Combat Tame Tame Animal Train tamed creatures to gain additional HD.
Bouncing Shot Combat Snipe Sniper Bounce you attacks of surfaces to hit targets behind cover.
Boxing Combat Unarmed Combatant Becomes an unarmed combatant and learn the counterpunch.
Brace And Overrun Combat Brute Fighter Boost your overrun CMB with shield or weapon bonuses.
Breaking Blast Combat Sniper Your ranged attack deals full damage to objects.
Broad Skills Combat Tame Tame Animal Tame any creature of animal intelligence, as well as mindless oozes, plants and vermin.
Bronco Buster Combat Ride Ride You may attempt to use any nearby animal as a mount.
Brutal Manhandle Combat Brute Fighter Apply two manhandle talents to a combat maneuver
Brutal Manhandle Combat Brute Fighter Apply two manhandle talents to a combat maneuver
Brute Fighter Combat Unarmed Combatant Becomes an unarmed combatant and learn to shove the enemy.
Brute Robbery Combat Manhandle Brute Fighter Disarm or steal from a foe you've moved with a combat maneuver.
Brute Takedown Combat Manhandle Brute Fighter Grapple a foe you've moved with a combat maneuver.
Brute Throw Combat Manhandle Brute Fighter Throw a foe prone that you've moved with a combat maneuver.
Burly Brute Fighter Do not gain shove, but gain Muscular Surge
Careful Caster Arcane Wild Magic Casting class feature Reduce wild magic chance by increasing casting time.
Catch Blade Combat Deflect Shield Fighter Trap an attacker's weapon with your shield.
Challenge Combat Guardian Guardian Gain the ability to challenge enemies.
Classic Substances Arcane Creation Creator Create glass, water, stone and metal and more.
Cleave Combat Make an additional attack if the first one hits.
Close Quarters Shooter Sniper Only make deadly shots within 30 ft., but gain Push Shot.
Combat Casting Arcane Don’t make concentration checks for violent movement, gain a +2 bonus on concentration checks.
Command Arcane Mind Directly control another creature’s body.
Compelling Maneuvers Combat Int 13 You can perform antagonize, demoralize, distract and feint attempts as a move action.
Complex Illusion Arcane Illusion Trickster Split your illusions into multiple distinct creature or objects.
Conjurer Arcane Conjuration School You can reanimate the dead and make ranged negative energy attacks.
Coordinated Animal Attack Combat Ride Tame Your animal ally may attack when you do.
Counterspell Arcane Casting class feature, 3rd caster level or higher Counter magic with your own magical abilities.
Cover Ally Combat Shield Fighter Use active defense to protect allies.
Covering Fire Combat Sniper Threaten a distant area with a ranged weapon, allowing you to make reactions against enemies in that area.
Creator Arcane Creation School Gain the ability to alter, create and destroy matter.
Crossbow Mastery Combat Dex 15, Barrage, Rapid Reload Reload crossbow as free action and make full attacks.
Daylight Arcane Illusion Trickster Add light to your illusions.
Deadly Dart Combat Trapper Your dart traps become more deadly.
Deadly Strike Combat Scout Deal extra damage when attacking from Stealth.
Decoy Arcane Illusion Trickster Create one or more illusionary decoys to distract enemies.
Deflect Arrows Combat Unarmed Combatant Dex 13, one Unarmed Combatant feat Avoid one ranged attack per round.
Deflecting Shield Combat Your shield bonus to AC applies against touch attacks.
Deft Maneuvers Combat Dex 13 You do not provoke attacks of opportunity on dirty trick, disarm, steal and trip attempts.
Discern Condition Combat Scout Use Scout to learn the approximate health and hit points remaining of a creature.
Discern Illusions Combat Scout Gain bonus Will saves against illusions equal to 1/2 your ranks in Perception (minimum 1).
Discern Tells Combat Scout Gain a bonus to Sense Motive and MMD equal to half your ranks in Perception against scouted creatures.
Disorienting Push Combat Manhandle Brute Fighter Slow a foe you've moved with a combat maneuver.
Distance Thrower Combat Str 13 Reduce ranged penalties for thrown weapons by 2.
Dizzy Spin Combat Manhandle Brute Fighter Dazzle a foe you've moved with a combat maneuver.
Dodge Combat Dex 13 +1 dodge bonus to AC.
Dominoes Combat Brute Fighter Foes that you've moved with a combat maneuver provokes an attack of opportunity from your allies.
Drop Foe Combat Manhandle Brute Fighter Trip a foe that you've moved with a combat maneuver.
Dual-Wielding Combat Make an additional attack with your off-hand.
Duelist Combat Add bleed damage to your attacks.
Earth Geomancy Arcane Geomancy Geomancer Gain the ability to manipulate earth.
Earthquake Stomp Combat Brute Fighter Trip all foes around you with a single stomp.
Empowered Reanimate Arcane Death Necromancer All creatures you reanimate gain +4 Strength and Dexterity.
Endurance +4 bonus on checks to avoid nonlethal damage.
Enhancer Arcane Enhancement School Gain the ability to grant equipment an enhancement bonus.
Enlarged Illusion Arcane Illusion Trickster Increase your illusion’s maximum size by one size category.
Enthral Arcane Mind Cause a creature to regard you as its friend.
Archery Training, Exotic Combat Weapon Training Proficiency in 2 bows and/or crossbows Gain proficiency in exotic bows and crossbows.
Axe Training, Exotic Combat Weapon Training Proficiency in 4 axe weapons Gain proficiency in exotic axes, picks and axe polearms.
Blades Training, Exotic Combat Weapon Training Proficiency in 4 blade weapons Gain proficiency in exotic swords.
Hammer Training, Exotic Combat Weapon Training Proficiency in 4 hammer weapons Gain proficiency in exotic hammer and chain weapons.
Polearm Training, Exotic Combat Weapon Training Proficiency in 4 spears or polearms Gain proficiency in various exotic spears and polearms.
Street Training, Exotic Combat Weapon Training Proficiency in 4 street weapons Gain proficiency in various exotic light and nonlethal weapons.
Expanded Charm Arcane Mind Your charms may affect any creature with a mind.
Explosive Orb Arcane Blast Shape Destruction Battle Mage Shape your destructive blasts into a burst effect
Extensive Defense Combat Shield Fighter Expend martial focus to gain active defense against all valid attacks until start of next turn.
Extra Spell Points Arcane Your spell pool total increases by 2.
Faithful Friend Combat Ride Tame Increase aid bonus by 1 from you or your animal ally.
Far Shot Combat Decrease range penalties by half.
Fencing Combat Deal extra damage to flanked enemies.
Find Gap Combat Scout Scouted creatures have decreased AC for a number of rounds.
Finesse Fighting Combat Use Dexterity instead of Strength when calculating your melee attack roll.
