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Main > Feats > Melee

Melee Feats

Feat Name Categories Prerequisites Benefit
Blind-Fight Combat Halve miss chance for concealment.
Cleave Combat Make an additional attack if the first one hits.
Unstoppable Combat During a charge bypass creatures and burst through obstacles
Vital Strike Combat BAB +6 Deal twice the normal damage on a single attack.

Barroom Feats

Feat Name Categories Prerequisites Benefit
Barroom Fighter Combat Gain expertise in improvised weapons and hard drinking.

Berserker Feats

Feat Name Categories Prerequisites Benefit
Berserker Combat Gain temporary hit points each turn, and gain a special attack that inflicts battered.

Dual-Wielding Feats

Feat Name Categories Prerequisites Benefit
Dual-Wielding Combat Make an additional attack with your off-hand.

Duelist Feats

Feat Name Categories Prerequisites Benefit
Duelist Combat Add bleed damage to your attacks.

Fencing Feats

Feat Name Categories Prerequisites Benefit
Fencing Combat Deal extra damage to flanked enemies.

Lancer Feats

Feat Name Categories Prerequisites Benefit
Lancer Combat Gain the ability to impale your opponents.

Scoundrel Feats

Feat Name Categories Prerequisites Benefit
Scoundrel Combat Become adept at using the Dirty Trick and Steal combat maneuvers.