View table: Sessions

Table structure:

  1. Name - String
  2. Session - Integer
  3. Date - Date
  4. GameDate - Wikitext
  5. Body - Wikitext
  6. Treasure - Wikitext

This table has 8 rows altogether.

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Page Name Session Date GameDate Body Treasure
Arrival Day (edit) Arrival Day 5 2023-08-02

Swords 43, Year 25 - Dawn 6, Year 26

Night Travel[edit source]

The City traversed from the old world to the new, and it took a record-breaking 36 hours. Unrest and minor looting ensued towards the end of this period.

During this time, Wezhul travelled back to Golden Spires, and was greeted, briefly, by his father who apparently had plans for the situation.

Gral got inducted into a heist through Tzork, who introduced him to some goblin burglars from Thievescourt who wanted to steal a magic item from a wizard in Whitesquare, which would allow them to planar travel out of the city if it was stuck.

Rollo engaged with the moon druids, who were talking about making a new sun if The City was stuck. He traveled back to The City and discussed at length with his mentor Jorgen any Charred rituals that might work to this end.

In the end though, The City arrived in a new world.

After arrival, Rollo went back to the druid circle (with many of the druids now gone) and announced that the Charred were back, and wishes only peaceful co-existence. This announcement was received neutrally.

Downtime[edit source]

  • Gral tried to spread word about the recipes that he had acquired from The Dirge, but had a hard time getting the word spread.
  • Wezhul worked at his part-time academic job, and gathered some rumors about The Surrendered.
  • Rollo convinced Jorgen to start up a magical fire-show (for kids) to establish the Charred as still existing, and teaching about (current) Charred culture.
Entering the Gremlin Tunnels (edit) Entering the Gremlin Tunnels 6 2023-08-16

Dawn 6-7, Year 26

Meeting Bremor[edit source]

Bremor first visits Rollo and Jorgen, having heard about their intention to start a show concerning The Char. Jorgen is quite happy to see one of the Dark Dragon orcs still alive.

Bremor in turn expresses a desire to fight alongside Rollo.

A few days Rollo introduces Bremor to the rest of The Embers, and Bremor joins the party.

Mission from Tzork[edit source]

At the same meeting, Gral tries to recruit the party into helping get his mom's catering business going, and when that fails mentions that Tzork had offered a mission. Wezhul in turn tells that he has heard that there are members of The Surrendered in the sewers.

The party agrees to take Tzork's mission, and Gral brings Tzork by to give them the details. They are to rescue and exploratory expedition of goblins that has ventured into the underground of the new world.

On the same day, the party travels down to Magma Rift, and enters the secret tunnel that Tzork and his people have dug. Traveling to The Edge, the party rests.

Exploration[edit source]

The following day the party ventures into the caves of the new world. After traveling for a couple hours, following the marking to Tzork's expedition, they arrive in a mushroom cave. There are tracks of blood and ruined travel supplies. Rollo befriends a cave squirrel, that tells of evil predators chasing new prey. Rollo convinces the squirrel to travel with them.

The group followed traces of blood from the mushroom cave, deeper into the caves, and they disappear into a narrow passage through which most of the group could not easily go. Gral volunteered to scout ahead and found a smoldering fire place, goblin bones, and two unknown goblin-sized humanoids slumbering. He also heard sounds of more creatures, perhaps these new humanoids, from deeper in the caves.

He returned to the rest of the group and told them the grim news.

2x Lesser Elixir of Life (Given to Bremor and Aegir)

First Meeting (edit) First Meeting 0 2023-04-12

Swords 34, Year 25

The party met with Ebrom the Fist and accepted the mission to capture Madaros' Soul. Then trained together in the combat simulator.

Into the Darkness (edit) Into the Darkness 1 2023-04-21

Swords 34, Year 25

The party was teleported to an abandoned monastery and made their way towards the dwarven village of Fallowgard and the tomb of Madaros.

Along the way to the village, they spotted a newly dug grave and boot tracks leading away. Whezul determined the cause of death to be large claw marks. After some discussion the party decided to ignore the tracks, and continue on.

Not far further along, the group encountered a bear corrupted by The Nightmare, and though they tried to avoid it they ended up having to fight and defeat it.

The group reached Fallowgard, but avoided the village as it was overrun by The Nightmare, and instead entered the entrance to the Tomb of Madaros. An outer chamber had been made safe from the corrupting influences of The Nightmare, and the group took the opportunity to rest.

Madaros' Tomb (edit) Madaros' Tomb 2 2023-05-11

Swords 35, Year 25

The party opened the tomb's main door, and ventured inside. The top floor of the tomb was without life (or undeath) but signs of fighting from the group that had preceeded the party.

The group discovered a temple to a Dwarven sea deity Daros, as well as the collapsed staircase that had halted the previous party.

Gral cleared the staircase with his explosives and the group ventured downwards. Along the staircase were statues with inscriptions that indicated the name of the owner of the tomb: Madaros.

At the bottom of the stairs, the group came upon three doors, two smaller on each side, and a large set of double doors. Opting for one of the smaller doors, the group ended up flanked between the two side-doors, fighting a skeletal champion and a number of lesser skeletons. The fight was hard-fought, but in the end the group emerged victorious.

Maya and Tom (edit) Maya and Tom 4 2023-06-21

Swords 36-43, Year 25

Downtime[edit source]

  • Rollo cultivated a relationship with the Moon Druid Athil Mistwater. For now the relationship is neutral. He also failed to find proper sustenance in the forest, and ended up having to spend a night at an inn to gather his strength.
  • Wezhul received an "invitation" to a ball from his father via a Memory Crystal, and later attended. He also spend some time freshing up on various necromantic texts.
  • Gral spend a bit of time spreading word in the goblin network about the formation of The Embers, and also did some alchemy work, creating and selling Journeybread, earning 6 gp.
  • Aegir was searching for an adventuring group, and found Wezhul to sign up with The Embers.

Nightfall Duty[edit source]

The Embers were called to nightfall duty, and teamed up with a group consisting of the Grand Mage Donal Silvermane, the Moon Druid Mariel Blackbough, the Monster Guard Maya and her sidekick troll Tom, as well as a beastman scout and a female fighter.

They were assigned to the border between the Green Remnant and Willowfield, and to begin Donal, Tom and the other heavy hitters made easy work of all Nightmare Fallen that approached.

Then Donal and most of the heavy hitters were called away to defend a Matrix Pylon under attack by The Surrendered, leaving only Maya, Tom and some magical items to aid in the defense.

The defense went pretty well, until the end of the mission. A monster warped by The Nightmare attacked, and while that fight was under way, Maya was suddenly attacked with a sleep spell by a distant spellcaster, before two assassins appeared and tried to murder her. They were mostly halted by a gravely injured Agir, and then dispatched by a Lightning Bolt from Rollo. They still managed to stab the unconscious Maya, and the group shortly found out that the daggers had been poisoned. Rollo managed to contain the poison, and the group headed back towards The City. Soon Donal and his companions caught up, and Donal teleported Maya to medical aid. Mariel remained, and Rollo had apparently made some kind of impression in what little interactions they have had.

Party is currently holding

  • Wand of Fireball
  • Scroll of Wall of Thorns
  • 2 Lesser Healing Potions (2d8+5 healing)
Meeting Madaros (edit) Meeting Madaros 3 2023-06-07

Swords 35-42, Year 25

Session madaros.webp

Having defeated the skeletal guardians, the party opened the large double-doors, and found the actual tomb chamber of Madaros. The ghost of Madaros floated before his sarcophagus, flanked by two skeletal warriors.

However, the ghost was willing to talk, and after the group gave him a respectful greeting, they managed to convince him that The Nightmare was coming, and he would be unable to protect his tomb from it. Instead he willingly released his warriors from their duty, and allowed himself to be bound to a soul-gem by the party, a task which they accomplished successfully.

After the ritual Gral and Rob secured a couple treasures from the interior of the sarcophagus, and the party returned to The City by using the Recall Tokens they had been given.

Back in The City[edit source]

Several of the Recall Tokens deposited party members far from Hammercourt, but over a couple of hours the party managed to gather at the office of Ebrom the Fist. Kormak had arrived first and given a debrief, so Ebrom was ready to hand out their reward as soon as everyone were there. Among the treasures from the tomb was a fine dwarven battle axe embeded with a magical rune, that Ebrom helped to get identified, and transferred to a blank runestone. He purchased the non-magical axe so that he might give it to Madaros.

After this, the group ventured to the The Hammer across the square, and settled down to talk. Whezul suggested that they form an official adventuring company, and the group agreed.

Downtime[edit source]

After this they split up. During the following week:

  • Rob visited The Stalwart where various mercenaries hang out and trade and drink. He spared a fair bit with Orlan, and received the information that the Red Dust Guild pay well for mercenaries, though also seem willing to use their lives rather freely.
  • Gral visited his family, and was nagged by his mother to find a nice, safe job. But she settled down, and they looked over the recipes in the cooking book together.
  • Rollo visited Madam Moon at the brothel in Little Greytown and availed himself of the services, before visiting his master Jorgen. He spent the rest of his time in the Green Remnant, hanging out with the bears.
Saving Tzork's Associates (edit) Saving Tzorks Associates 7 2023-08-30

Dawn 7-8, Year 26

The Rescue[edit source]

The party avoided the sleeping gremlins, and followed the traces of blood by another path, until they reached a cave containing multiple gremlins.

Gral flanked the cave, and once he was in position, Aegir moved into the cave to attempt diplomacy. The gremlins immediately attacked. During the fight, Gral got trampled by the shaman and another gremlin fleeing, and though he followed them for a bit, decided to return to the group when they approached the sleeping gremlins. Aegir and Bremor handily defeated the other three gremlins.

Once the fight was finished, the missing goblins appeared, having barricaded themselves in an ancient tomb which the gremlins had been guarding for these past few days. The group found a number of treasures in the tomb, which they decided to take with them.

Leaving the Gremlin caves was managed without much trouble, except for a throwing spear from an ambushing gremlin which withdrew immediately after its throw.

The Return[edit source]

On their trip back in the main tunnel, they were followed by a humanoid capable of camouflage and wall-crawling. Gral tried leaving it a ration, and the creature seemed to like it, revealing itself to the party, though either unwilling to let them get close or just copying their movements, so that it moved back whenever they moved closer.

Returning into the tunnel carved by Tzork's men, they decided to make a forced march back to safety, rather than risk sleeping in the staging post. Once back to safety, the party members received a load of thanks, and then each retired to bed; Gral with his family, and Bremor borrowing a guest room at Aegir's family home.

Next morning, after sleeping for 12 hours, Gral's mother showed concern that he had come home with a stab tear and blood on his clothes, while Aegir's father was concerned that he was hanging out with a member of the Dark Dragons.

A New Mission[edit source]

A bit later in the day, they met up with Tzork who gave them their reward (some silver and a bunch of assorted items), and purchased a magical chest from them which was part of their tomb loot. He also expressed interest in whether they had found more of the type of gems that was on the chest (Gral secretly had), and a willingness to buy them.

Finally he offered them another job to escort another expedition into the underground. He promised them normal pay, plus danger pay in case of further encounters. The group accepted.

From Tzork:

From the Tomb:

  • Masterful made gold armband with intricate engravings of dwarven warriors fighting demons across an underground bridge (worth 600 silver) taken by Aegir
  • Two magical gemstones, secretly taken by Gral