Arrival Day

From Night's End
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Front Page > Sessions > Arrival Day
Swords 43, Year 25 - Dawn 6, Year 26

Night Travel

The City traversed from the old world to the new, and it took a record-breaking 36 hours. Unrest and minor looting ensued towards the end of this period.

During this time, Wezhul travelled back to Golden Spires, and was greeted, briefly, by his father who apparently had plans for the situation.

Gral got inducted into a heist through Tzork, who introduced him to some goblin burglars from Thievescourt who wanted to steal a magic item from a wizard in Whitesquare, which would allow them to planar travel out of the city if it was stuck.

Rollo engaged with the moon druids, who were talking about making a new sun if The City was stuck. He traveled back to The City and discussed at length with his mentor Jorgen any Charred rituals that might work to this end.

In the end though, The City arrived in a new world.

After arrival, Rollo went back to the druid circle (with many of the druids now gone) and announced that the Charred were back, and wishes only peaceful co-existence. This announcement was received neutrally.


  • Gral tried to spread word about the recipes that he had acquired from The Dirge, but had a hard time getting the word spread.
  • Wezhul worked at his part-time academic job, and gathered some rumors about The Surrendered.
  • Rollo convinced Jorgen to start up a magical fire-show (for kids) to establish the Charred as still existing, and teaching about (current) Charred culture.