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(Arcane, Life, School)
You wield the powers of life.
As a standard action, you may spend a spell point to touch a target and heal it an amount of damage equal to 1d8 + your caster level. This is a positive energy effect, and as such may be used to harm undead (Will half).
As a standard action, you may invigorate a touched creature, granting them temporary hit points equal to your caster level (minimum: 1).
Unlike normal temporary hit points, this ability can only be used on an injured target and cannot raise a target’s current hit points plus their temporary hit points to be higher than their total hit points.
This benefit lasts for 1 hour. Temporary hit points, even from different sources, do not stack; only the highest bonus applies.
As a standard action, you may touch a target and spend a spell point to restore their physical and mental health.
This accomplishes all of the following:
- Heals 1d4 points of ability damage to one ability score of your choice.
- Reduce the clumsy, enfeebled, fatigued, fearful, sickened condition by 2.
- Reduce the stupefied condition by 1.
- Removes the slowed condition or lessens immobilized to slowed.
- Removes the dazzled condition.
If the condition targeted is part of an on-going effect, this suppresses the effect for a number of round equal to your caster level. This cannot be used to remove curses or instantaneous effects.
If you do not have a caster level and spell pool, you gain an effective caster level of 1, a spell pool of 1 and use your highest mental ability as your casting ability score. These do not stack the caster level and spell pool granted by the casting and spell pool class features.
System Reference Document. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
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