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(Arcane, Protection, School)
Prerequisites: —
Benefit: You gain the following two abilities Aegis and Ward.
As a standard action, you may touch a creature and spend a spell point, granting them an aegis for 1 hour per caster level. Unwilling targets are allowed a Will save to resist gaining an aegis.
You gain the following aegis when you gain Abjurer:
Deflection: You grant the target a +1 Deflection bonus to AC, upgraded to +2 at caster level 5.
As a standard action, you may create an ward centered on yourself with a radius of up to 10 ft (15 ft at caster level 5), but can also be made so small as to only cover yourself.
Wards remain as long as you concentrate, but you may spend a spell point to allow them to remain for 1 round per caster level without concentration.
Wards remain in the location they were created, even if you move.
You gain the following ward when you gain Abjurer:
Barrier: You may create a ward that creates a mostly-transparent wall at its perimeter, stopping attacks, movement, breath weapons, and any spells or magical effects that must travel to their destination (such as destructive blasts, ghost strikes, or spells that require ranged touch attacks).
Other spells or magical effects, however, such as teleportation effects, mind-altering magic, and gaze attacks may all bypass this ward.
Ethereal creatures are technically stopped by the barrier, but can usually find a way around it (as the barrier does not cut through objects, and so usually stops at ground level).
A barrier has hit points equal to 4 + your caster level and a Break DC of 15 + 1/2 your caster level. If an attack is directed at a target through the barrier, the attack first deals its damage to the barrier itself. If this damage is enough to destroy the barrier, the attack continues on to its intended target, although damage dealt to the barrier is subtracted from any damage done to the target or targets.
Burst-effect attacks such as splash weapons, fireball spells, or others attempting to travel through the barrier explode at the barrier’s edge and also must overcome the barrier’s hp to damage targets on the other side.
If you maintain your barrier through concentration, its HP is renewed each round on your turn.
If you do not have a caster level and spell pool, you gain an effective caster level of 1, a spell pool of 1 and use your highest mental ability as your casting ability score. These do not stack the caster level and spell pool granted by the casting and spell pool class features.
Battle Mage[edit]
(Arcane, Destruction, School)
Prerequisites: —
Benefit: You gain the following ability:
Destructive Blast
As a standard action, you may deliver a burst of blunt magical force as a melee touch attack or a ranged touch attack within Close range. A destructive blast deals bludgeoning damage as indicated on the table below. This damage bypasses DR(magic), but being bludgeoning in nature, does not automatically bypass other forms of damage resistance.
Level | Damage |
1st | 1d6 |
3rd | 2d6 |
5th | 3d6 |
7th | 4d6 |
You may augment a destructive blast with 1 blast type and 1 blast shape from the Destruction School feats.
You may spend 1 spell point when making a destructive blast to increase the damage dealt to one damage die per caster level (minimum: 2d6).
If you do not have a caster level and spell pool, you gain an effective caster level of 1, a spell pool of 1 and use your highest mental ability as your casting ability score. These do not stack the caster level and spell pool granted by the casting and spell pool class features.
Careful Caster[edit]
(Arcane, Wild Magic)
Prerequisites: Casting class feature
Benefit: When casting a sphere effect that suffers from a wild magic chance, you may increase the casting time by one step to reduce the wild magic chance by 25%. This ability does not stack with itself.
This reduction increases by 5% per additional wild magic feat you possess, to a maximum reduction of 50%.
Classic Substances[edit]
(Arcane, Creation)
Prerequisites: Creator
Benefit: When you create or alter an object, you may work with any non-harmful material with a hardness of 5 or less, including glass, ice, or leather. You may create water (3 cubic ft equals a small creature), but not gases or flesh. You may make objects with multiple materials, provided you can create all the materials required. As you gain caster levels, you also gain the ability to make steadily more materials, as detailed in the table below. Adamantine cannot be created or altered, except for the repair and destroy abilities.
Note: Objects of stone or harder materials deal double damage when dropped on a target.
Caster Level | Materials | Substance | Hardness | Hit Points | |
1st | stone | Glass | 1 | 1/in. of thickness | |
5th | basic metals (iron, steel, copper) | Ice | 0 | 3/in. of thickness | |
10th | precious metals (gold, silver) | Stone | 8 | 15/in. of thickness | |
Iron or steel | 10 | 30/in. of thickness |
Combat Casting[edit]
Prerequisites: —
Benefit: You do not need to make concentration checks when affected by vigorous or violent motion or by violent weather. You gain a +2 bonus on all other concentration checks.
(Arcane, Mind)
Prerequisites: —
Benefit: You gain the following charm:
You may directly control another creature’s body.
Lesser Charm: You may force the target to perform one move, swift, or free action of your choice on its next turn (Will negates).
This could include yelling loudly, falling to the ground, dropping its weapon, or moving in a generalized direction (away, toward, left, right, etc.) For the purpose of this talent, standing still is a free action. The target cannot use its other actions on that turn to undo the effect of this lesser charm (pick up a dropped weapon, move back to its old square, stand up if it fell down, etc.).
Greater Charm: You take control of the target for as long as you concentrate, to a maximum of 1 round per caster level. (Will negates).
The target is allowed a new saving throw as a free action each round at the end of its turn to throw off this control. Other than verbal actions, the target cannot perform an action of its own choice on its turn.
While under your control, the target mentally fights you, and so can only be made to perform a single move action or standard action each round. The creature can move up to its speed and attack in the same round as a charge action.
While you may command a target to use an item or perform magic, this does not grant you knowledge of the target’s magical abilities or inventory. While you can command a creature to stand still and take no action, you cannot command a creature to become helpless or give up its Dex bonus to AC.
Powerful Charm: This is the same as the Command greater charm, except the target is not limited to a single standard action or move action each round.
Complex Illusion[edit]
(Arcane, Illusion)
Prerequisites: Trickster
Benefit: When creating an illusion, you may spend an additional spell point to divide the illusion into multiple, independent components.
The combined size and range of these illusions must still be within your maximum illusion size, but each component can appear differently and behave differently. While each component can be given its own set of programmed instructions, you can only actively control one component at a time.
Ex: when creating an illusion of a tavern, a creature with this talent could create a bustling group of people inside the tavern as part of the same illusion. The caster could only control one such illusionary person at a time though; and the rest would only perform their last set of instructions. Giving a component a new set of instructions is a move action.
The entire illusion is still one effect, and will be disrupted or dispelled as a whole.
(Arcane, Conjuration, School)
Prerequisites: —
Benefit: You gain the following ability:
As a standard action, you may spend a spell point to summon a creature you have made a contract with (called a companion) causing it to appear in an adjacent square, ready to act on your following turn. You must concentrate to maintain the companion’s presence, but may always spend an additional spell point to allow the summoned creature to remain for 1 minute per caster level without concentration.
Companions can take many forms; a caster could contract with sympathetic angels or demons, elemental spirits, or primordial beings only given form after the contract is made. Thus, a companion could have the form of a knight in armor, a demonic dog, a flying anthropomorphic cat, or indeed virtually any other form. You cannot choose a companion with the exact same appearance as another creature.
See the Summon rules for more details.
Your also gain the following forms:
Biped Base Form
Size Medium; Speed 30 ft.; Hit Dice d10; AC +2 natural armor; Saves Fort (good), Ref (bad), Will (good); Attack 2 slams (1d4); Ability Scores Str 16, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11
Bipeds are usually humanoids, and begin with 2 legs, 2 arms, and a head.
Quadruped Base Form
Size Medium; Speed 40 ft.; Hit Dice d10; AC +2 natural armor; Saves Fort (good), Ref (good), Will (bad); Attack bite (1d6); Ability Scores Str 14, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11
Quadrupeds are usually beasts, and begin with 4 legs and a head.
Serpentine Base Form
Size Medium; Speed 20 ft.; Hit Dice d10; AC +4 natural armor; Saves Fort (bad), Ref (good), Will (good); Attack bite (1d6), tail slap (1d6); Ability Scores Str 12, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11
Serpentine creatures are snakes, fish, and other elongated creatures. They begin with a head, but no arms or legs.
You automatically gain a single companion of your choice.
If you do not have a caster level and spell pool, you gain an effective caster level of 1, a spell pool of 1 and use your highest mental ability as your casting ability score. These do not stack the caster level and spell pool granted by the casting and spell pool class features.
Prerequisites: Casting class feature, 3rd caster level or higher
Benefit: You gain the following two abilities:
When another caster cast a magical effect within '"`UNIQ--item-0--QINU`"' range, as a reaction you may spend a spell point to attempt to counter the effect. Countering a spell requires that you have an appropriate counter. Possessing the same magical school as the effect being cast always counts as a counter, but creative use of other magical effects may also counter (countering Destructive fire blast with Nature(Water) or Protection(barrier) for instance). Determining the appropriate counter usually requires identifying the effect being cast with a Arcana check (DC 15 + ½ caster level).
If an appropriate counter is employed, you can make a magic skill check against the caster or magical effect in question. If you succeed then the targeted effect is destroyed.
This is treated as casting a magical effect, and it is subject to all rules for casting, is affected by the caster’s casting tradition, and can itself be countered by another caster. If your counter is countered, you can counter one additional time, by spending one more spell point and become Slowed until the end of your next turn.
You may spend a spell point and spend one minute to dispel an existing magical effect on a creature, item, or location within '"`UNIQ--item-1--QINU`"' range. You must know which magic effect you are trying to dispel, such as through Detect Magic. Finally you must succeed at a magic skill check against the caster or magical effect in question. If you succeed then the targeted effect is destroyed. If you do not possess an appropriate counter (as per counterspelling) you can still attempt to dispel the effect, but take a -5 penalty on your magic skill check.
If you target a permanent effect or magic item, the item is not destroyed; instead the item’s magical properties are suppressed for 1d4 rounds, after which the item recovers its magical properties. A suppressed item becomes nonmagical for the duration of the effect. An interdimensional opening (such as a bag of holding) is temporarily closed. A magic item’s physical properties are unchanged; a suppressed magic sword is still a sword (a masterwork sword, in fact). Artifacts and deities are unaffected by mortal magic such as this.
At 6th level, you may spend two additional spell points when dispelling a permanent effect or magic item. You take a -5 penalty on your magic skill check, but on success the magic is permanently dispelled.
(Arcane, Creation, School)
Prerequisites: —
Benefit: You gain the following two abilities Alter and Create.
Altering an object is a standard action and requires you to be touching the object to be altered. You cannot alter an animate target (such as a golem or animated object) and the object must be non-magical and unattended (not held, worn, or part of a creature’s equipment).
When you gain the Creation School, you may alter objects in the following ways:
Repair: You may repair a damaged object, healing it a number of hit points equal to 1d4 + 1/2 your caster level. If the object has the broken condition, this condition is removed if the object is restored to at least half its original hit points. This ability cannot restore warped or transmuted items, but it can still repair damage done to such items.
Destroy: You deal damage to the object equal to 1d4+ 1/2 your caster level. This bypasses all hardness. An object reduced to less than half its hit points gains the broken condition.
As a standard action, you may spend a spell point to create a non-magical, unattended object out of vegetable matter such as wood, hemp, or cotton in either your hand or an adjacent square. The object may be of equivalent size to one Small object per caster level (see chart below) and lasts as long as you continue to concentrate, to a maximum of 1 minute per caster level.
If the created object is especially large, it must begin in an adjacent square and must be completely contained within Close range.
You cannot create items that require mixing, carry special properties, or knowledge you don’t possess (alchemical items, rare herbs, the key to a lock you didn’t create, etc.). A DC 15 Appraise check reveals the object as a magical fake. Fabricated objects have a lingering magical aura that can be detected as magic, although the objects themselves aren’t magical.
While simple objects such as candles, folds of cloth, simple furniture, or basic weapons are easy to create; particularly complex objects (mechanics, crossbows, objects with moving parts) require a Craft check made against the object’s Craft DC. Failure means the object comes into being broken and unusable. You cannot create an object directly onto a target (summoning manacles onto someone’s wrists, etc.).
Table: Object Size | Table: Object Materials | ||||||
Object Size | Min. Caster Level |
Example Objects |
Falling Damage |
Substance | Hardness | Hit Points | |
Small | 1 | Chair | 1d6 | Paper or Cloth | 0 | 2/in. of thickness | |
Medium | 2 | Table | 1d8 | Rope | 0 | 2/in. of thickness | |
Large | 4 | Statue | 2d6 | Leather or hide | 2 | 5/in. of thickness | |
Huge | 8 | Wagon | 3d6 | Wood | 5 | 10/in. of thickness | |
Gargantuan | 16 | Catapult | 4d6 |
If you do not have a caster level and spell pool, you gain an effective caster level of 1, a spell pool of 1 and use your highest mental ability as your casting ability score. These do not stack the caster level and spell pool granted by the casting and spell pool class features.
(Arcane, Illusion)
Prerequisites: Trickster
Benefit: Your illusions may give off bright light, in a radius of up to 60 ft. The next 60 ft beyond that is raised one light level to a maximum of normal light.
Creatures with Light Blindness or Light Sensitivity take penalties while in this bright light, but creatures damaged by daylight are unaffected.
Trick: Your tricks may give off a dim light as strong as a candle.
(Arcane, Illusion)
Prerequisites: Trickster
Benefit: You gain the following three abilities:
Illusionary Creature (Trick)
As a trick you may create an illusionary creature in the same square as the target. This illusionary creature follows and occupies the same square as the target, while staying out of its way to avoid being disrupted. Anyone attempting to attack the target must make a Will save or suffer a 50% chance to attack the decoy instead of the target. The illusionary creature has an AC of 5 and is unaffected by area attacks. Illusionary creatures created by this trick last 1 round per two caster levels (minimum 1) or until struck with a single target effect.
Coaxing Decoy (Trick)
As a trick you may create a coaxing decoy in an adjacent square. The coaxing decoy may immediately move up to the speed of your figments in any direction unimpeded. If the movement of the coaxing decoy would provoke an attack of opportunity from a creature, that creature must use it on the coaxing decoy. The figment disappears as normal, if hit.
Mirror Decoys (Illusion)
As an illusion you may surround a target with a number of illusionary creatures equal to 2 + 1 per 3 caster levels each granting a separate miss chance to be struck instead of the target (66% chance a decoy is struck if 2 decoys, 75% chance at 3 decoys, 80% chance at 4 decoys). These decoys function exactly like the illusionary copies described in the illusionary creature trick except they possess AC equal to the touch AC of the target and have the normal duration for your illusions.
Multiple castings of this glamer stack but a target cannot have more illusionary creatures attached to them than half their Hit Dice if targeted multiple times.
If you possess the Complex Illusions talent one or more of the illusionary creatures granted by the glamer may act as as the coaxing decoy trick. As a free action once per round each illusionary creature may move 5 ft. per 2 caster levels independently of the original target. Illusionary creatures moving independently instantly vanish if they are beyond 15 ft. of the original target. While moving independently illusionary creatures provoke attacks of opportunity as the coaxing decoy trick.
Earth Geomancy[edit]
(Arcane, Geomancy)
Prerequisites: Geomancer
Benefit: You gain the following geomancy abilities:
(concentration, requires sand)
You shift the sands, swallowing targets within a 5 ft + 5 ft per 5 caster levels radius area centered within range.
Creatures within this area must pass a Reflex save or become immobilized. This area is also considered difficult terrain for the duration of the effect.
Immobilized creatures can attempt to break free as a move action, making a Strength or Escape Artist check against a DC equal to the effect’s Reflex save DC. Each subsequent round they do not escape, the Strength and Escape Artist DC increases by 1. If a target is knocked prone within this area and fails their save, they begin to Suffocate until they escape.
Dust Storm
(concentration, requires sand or loose dirt)
You kick up sand or dirt within a 10 ft + 5 ft per 5 caster levels radius area centered within range.
All creatures fully within this area gain concealment (attacks against them have a 20% miss chance). If creatures within this area attack creatures outside this area, the targets also have concealment.
(instantaneous, requires dirt or stone)
You may spend a spell point to send a tremor through the ground, affecting a 5 ft + 5 ft per 5 caster levels radius area centered within range.
This makes a Trip combat maneuver check against every target within the area, using your caster level plus your casting ability modifier as your CMB. This does not provoke an attack of opportunity (except as usual for using spells) and you cannot be tripped in return for failing this check.
Empowered Reanimate[edit]
(Arcane, Death)
Prerequisites: Necromancer
Benefit: All creatures you reanimate gain a +4 enhancement bonus to their Strength and Dexterity.
(Arcane, Enhancement, School)
Prerequisites: —
Benefit: You gain the following ability:
As a standard action, you may enhance a creature or object within Close range for as long as you concentrate. You may always spend a spell point to allow an enhancement to continue for 1 minute per caster level without concentration.
If targeting a creature or intelligent item that doesn’t want to be enhanced (or an item in a creature’s possession that doesn’t want their item enhanced), the target is allowed a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 caster level + casting ability modifier) to negate the effect.
You gain the following enhancement when you gain Enhancer:
Enhance Equipment: You may enhance a weapon, suit of armor, or shield, granting it a +1 enhancement bonus. This bonus increases to +2 at caster level 5. This does not stack with any enhancement bonus already possessed by the item.
If you do not have a caster level and spell pool, you gain an effective caster level of 1, a spell pool of 1 and use your highest mental ability as your casting ability score. These do not stack the caster level and spell pool granted by the casting and spell pool class features.
Enlarged Illusion[edit]
(Arcane, Illusion)
Prerequisites: Trickster
Benefit: Increase your illusion’s maximum size by one size category.
(Arcane, Mind)
Prerequisites: —
Benefit: You gain the following charm:
You cause a creature to regard you as its friend. If you or your allies are attacking or threatening the creature, they gain a +5 bonus to their saving throw against this charm.
A DC 25 Sense Motive check reveals the target of this charm has been enchanted. This is an enchantment (charm) effect instead of an enchantment (compulsion) effect.
Lesser Charm: You increase the target’s disposition toward you by 1 step to a maximum of friendly for 1 minute per caster level (Will negates).
Greater Charm: You increase the target’s disposition toward you to friendly for 1 minute per caster level (Will negates). You may make requests of the target, but asking it to do anything it would not normally do requires an opposed Charisma check, and it never obeys requests that are obviously fatal or against its nature, although the target may be convinced dangerous things are worth doing.
Powerful Charm: This functions as the Enthrall greater charm, except the duration increases to 1 hour per caster level.
Expanded Charm[edit]
(Arcane, Mind)
Prerequisites: —
Benefit: Your charms may affect any creature with a mind susceptible to mind-altering effects. Creatures without living minds (constructs, undead, oozes, vermin) are still immune.
Explosive Orb[edit]
(Arcane, Blast Shape, Destruction)
Prerequisites: Battle Mage
Benefit: You may spend a spell point to make a destructive blast as a burst effect centered anywhere within range. This burst has up to a 10 ft radius, + 5 ft per 5 caster levels. Affected creatures are allowed a Reflex saving throw for half damage.
Extra Spell Points[edit]
Prerequisites: —
Benefit: Your spell pool total increases by 2.
Special: You may gain this feat multiple times. The effects stack.Fire Geomancy[edit]
(Arcane, Geomancy)
Prerequisites: Geomancer
Benefit: You gain the following two geomancy abilities:
Create Fire
(concentration, no requirements)
You may produce a Diminutive-sized magical fire that burns without fuel, and may be used to ignite flammable materials to create self-sustaining, non-magical fire.
The size of the fire increases to tiny size category at caster level 5.
If a target is within the area of the created fire, they suffer damage as normal for that fire’s size and Catch Fire.
A successful Reflex save halves the damage and negates catching fire.
(concentration, requires fire)
You may affect a normal, non-magical fire, increasing or decreasing its size by one category (or two size categories once you reach caster level 5).
This is only a temporary change; once the effect ends, the fire returns to its normal size.
The minimum caster level required to affect a fire is given below:
Min CL |
Fire Size | Example | Damage per Round |
Space |
1st | Fine | Tindertwig | 1 | ½ ft square |
1st | Diminutive | Torch | 1d3 | 1 ft square |
1st | Tiny | Small Campfire | 1d6 | 2½ ft square |
3rd | Small | Large Campfire | 2d6 | 5 ft square |
5th | Medium | Forge | 3d6 | 5 ft square |
8th | Large | Bonfire | 4d6 | 10 ft square |
— | Huge | Burning Shack | 5d6 | 15 ft square |
— | Gargantuan | Burning Tavern | 6d6 | 20 ft square |
— | Colossal | Burning Inn | 7d6 | 30 ft square |
The fire consumes fuel and deals damage as appropriate for its new size.
If two casters are affecting the same fire in the same direction (increasing or decreasing) only the strongest change occurs.
If two casters attempt to affect fire in opposite directions (one making it bigger, one making it smaller), the second caster must succeed at a magic skill check. On a success, their ability functions normally, overlapping the first caster’s effect. The fire counts as its altered size for determining if the second caster can affect it.
If a creature is on fire, treat that fire as being Tiny sized (1d6 damage) for the purpose of this effect. When you affect a fire on a creature, you also raise or lower the Reflex save DC to put the fire out by 1/2 your caster level (minimum: 0).
If you possess Earth Geomancy you also gain the following two geomancy abilities:
Freeze Lava
(instantaneous, requires lava)
You may spend two spell points to flash freeze lava, turning it into obsidian.
You may freeze a 1 inch thick, 5 ft by 5 ft square of lava per caster level. This obsidian has a hardness of 5 and 3 hit points per caster level and does not cause damage to creatures touching it, though continued contact with lava may cause it to melt again.
Lava Vortex
(concentration, requires lava)
You may spend a spell point to create a spinning vortex in a body of lava that sucks creatures and objects to its center.
This vortex is 5 ft wide at its base, is 10 ft high + 5 ft per 5 caster levels, and is half as wide at the top as it is high.
You may move the vortex up to 30 ft per round as part of the concentration check required to maintain it. If maintaining the effect through a spell point, you may designate a simple pattern for it to move, which you may alter as a move action.
Any creature entering the vortex's area must pass a Reflex save or suffer bludgeoning damage equal to 1d8 + 1/2 your caster level (minimum: 0) in addition to the normal damage from being in lava.
If the creature is smaller than the vortex, they must pass a second Reflex save or be pulled into the middle of the vortex. Creatures in the middle of the vortex suffer bludgeoning damage once per round with no save, and must pass a Reflex save each round or be unable to move, and on a success may only move at half their swim speed. A vortex cannot contain more creatures than would exceed its volume. If the vortex moves, creatures in the middle of the vortex are carried along with it.
(Arcane, Creation)
Prerequisites: Creator
Benefit: When using the alter ability you may spend a spell point to shape material with a touch, instead of repairing or destroying. This is an instantaneous effect, as you are literally changing the shape of the material in question (i.e., it has no duration, and cannot be dispelled once finished).
You can only affect materials you can create (i.e., you must possess the Expanded Materials talent to work with materials other than vegetable matter), and you may only make crude changes such as forming walls, trenches, doors, coffers and other basic shapes. Detailed work (such as forging armor) is not possible, and there is a 30% chance that anything with moving parts simply doesn’t work.
You may affect targets up to your normal creation size, but when working with a mineral (stone, metals, gems, etc.) the size you may affect is reduced by half.
(Arcane, Geomancy, School)
Prerequisites: —
Benefit: You gain the following ability:
As a standard action, you may command terrain and natural effects to act on your behalf. The effect produced depends on the environmental aspect targeted.
Each effect must be centered or targeted within Close range.
Geomancing abilties come in two forms: instantaneous and concentration. Instantaneous effects have no duration, while concentration effects persist as long as the caster concentrates. The caster may always spend a spell point as a free action to allow the effect to continue for 1 round per caster level without the need for concentration.
You gain these effects from subfeats of the geomancy school.
In addition, you immediately gain one of the following feats as a bonus feat: Earth Geomancy, Fire Geomancy, Metal Geomancy, Plant Geomancy, or Water Geomancy
If you do not have a caster level and spell pool, you gain an effective caster level of 1, a spell pool of 1 and use your highest mental ability as your casting ability score. These do not stack the caster level and spell pool granted by the casting and spell pool class features.
Group Charm[edit]
(Arcane, Mind)
Prerequisites: —
Benefit: You may spend a spell point when using a charm to affect up to 1 additional creature per 2 caster levels (minimum: 1). Each target must be within range and must be affected by the same charm effect.
Illusionary Disguise[edit]
(Arcane, Illusion)
Prerequisites: Trickster
Benefit: You gain the following ability:
Illusionary Disguise
As a standard action, you may spend a spell point to attach an illusion directly onto a creature or object, making it appear as something or someone else entirely.
This grants a +10 circumstance bonus to Disguise checks. Targets who interact with the disguise receive a Will save to disbelieve, and some actions can simply give the disguise away. (For example, touching a target disguised as a different size category, or seeing a creature disguised as an inanimate object move.)
Illusionary Odor[edit]
(Arcane, Illusion, Sensory)
Prerequisites: Trickster
Benefit: You may add smell and taste to your illusions.
For example, you may change something’s taste or create the smell of smoke.
You also gain the following trick:
Illusionary Sound[edit]
(Arcane, Illusion, Sensory)
Prerequisites: Trickster
Benefit: You may add whatever sounds you desire to an illusion.
You cannot make more sound than four normal humans per caster level could make. (A horde of rats running and squeaking is equal to eight humans running and shouting. A roaring lion is equal to the noise from 16 humans, while a roaring dragon is equal to the noise from 32 humans.)
The sounds' emanator is either at the apparent source of the sound, or at center of the area of effect for ambient sounds.
You also gain the following trick:
Illusionary Touch[edit]
(Arcane, Illusion, Sensory)
Prerequisites: Trickster
Benefit: You may make an illusion that feels real to the touch, including temperature and texture.
This also adds a phantasm component to the figment. When a creature would come into physical contact with one of your Illusions (touching them, striking them in melee, etc.), they do not automatically disrupt the figment. Instead, they are affected by a phantasm which causes them to not move far enough to actually penetrate the figment. Attempting to intentionally penetrate the figment requires a successful Will saving throw against the illusion's DC.
Your illusion still cannot hold weight (thus placing an object on an illusionary table would cause the object to fall through and disrupt the illusion).
Special: You may take this feat a total of two times; when taken a second time, your illusions may also cause pain. When coming into contact with an appropriate illusion (stepping into fire, being hit by an illusionary enemy, etc.), if the subject fails their Will save to disbelieve, they may take non-lethal damage up to your caster level + your casting ability modifier.
A target can only be damaged by your illusions once in a round, no matter how many times it thinks the illusion has hurt it.Infuse Item[edit]
(Arcane, Item Creation)
Prerequisites: Caster level 1st, Store Spell
Benefit: Allows you to create permanent magic items such as Magical Gear, Marvelous Items and Spell Engines.
Inspired Surge[edit]
(Arcane, Wild Magic)
Prerequisites: Casting class feature
Benefit: When casting a magical effect, you may increase the wild magic chance by 100% to add a single feat that you do not possess from one of the effect’s base schools to the effect.
For every 5 wild magic feats you possess, increase the number of feats gained this way by +1. You must still meet any prerequisites that the feats possesses. When gaining multiple feats with this feat, you may use a feat gained this way as a prerequisite for other gained feats.
(Arcane, Force, School)
Prerequisites: —
Benefit: You gain the following ability:
Mage Hand
As a standard action you can use mage hand to lift one unattended object or willing creature within Close range and move it up to 20 ft, + 5 ft per 5 caster levels.
The object levitates as long as you concentrate, have line of sight, and the object remains within Close range.
The objects and creatures you may lift are restricted by size; the largest object you can lift is given in the chart below:
Caster Level |
Object Size |
Sample Object |
Bludgeon Damage |
1st | Fine | Marble | 1 |
1st | Diminutive | Dagger | 1d2 |
3rd | Tiny | Candelabra | 1d3 |
5th | Small | Heavy Shield | 1d4 |
8th | Medium | Cage | 1d6 |
— | Large | Statue | 1d8 |
— | Huge | Wagon | 2d6 |
— | Gargantuan | Catapult | 3d6 |
— | Colossal | Ship | 4d6 |
This assumes the object is made from a dense material, such as stone. Objects made of lighter materials, mostly open space, or reduced to 1/2 weight with the lighten feat of the enhancement school count as being one size category smaller, while weightless objects count as being 2 size categories smaller for this purpose.
Your mage hand is simple and cannot perform dexterous actions (tying a knot, opening a book, turning a key, etc.).
Any object you control with mage hand has a touch AC of 10 + your casting ability modifier + any size modifier, and a CMD of 10 + your caster level + your casting ability modifier + the object’s size modifier.
You gain the following special uses of mage hand when you gain this sphere:
Sustained Force
You may, as a free action, spend a spell point to no longer need to concentrate to maintain lifting a particular object for up to 1 minute per caster level.
You may give a sustained force simple orders (float in the air, go north, follow a target) that it obeys to the best of its ability.
Changing a sustained force’s orders is a move action.
You cannot sustain combat-related uses of mage hand (combat maneuvers, bludgeons, etc.), nor complicated tasks (make a wagon load itself with stones and move them to another location, etc.).
Hostile Lift
You may spend a spell point to lift an unwilling creature with mage hand.
The target is allowed a Will save to negate this effect, plus an additional Will save each round the effect is maintained. If a hostile lift is sustained with Sustained Force, it only lasts until the target succeeds at its save.
A creature may suffer falling damage if they successfully save while floating high in the air.
When you use a lifted creature or object to strike another creature or object (moving the object into the target’s square and ramming them), you must succeed at an attack roll using your base attack bonus plus your casting ability modifier against the target.
On a successful hit, the target and the bludgeon take damage depending on the bludgeon’s size. If the bludgeon is a weapon, the attack deals appropriate damage for that weapon (bolts and arrows are treated as daggers for this purpose). Since weapons are designed to deal damage, it does not suffer damage if used as a bludgeon.
If using mage hand on a projectile or thrown object within your size limit (often as a readied action), you may stop the attack from dealing damage. The originator of the attack (the creature who threw the projectile, etc.) is allowed a Will save to negate this ability.
After catching an object, you may move it as normal for your telekinesis.
If you do not have a caster level and spell pool, you gain an effective caster level of 1, a spell pool of 1 and use your highest mental ability as your casting ability score. These do not stack the caster level and spell pool granted by the casting and spell pool class features.
Larger Creation[edit]
(Arcane, Creation)
Prerequisites: Creator
Benefit: You may spend an additional spell point when creating or altering an object to double the size, letting you create or alter up to the equivalent of 2 Small objects (1 Medium object) per caster level.
Lingering Illusion[edit]
(Arcane, Illusion)
Prerequisites: Trickster
Benefit: When you create an illusion, the illusion remains for 2 rounds after you stop concentrating.
You may also spend a spell point to allow the illusion to remain for 1 minute per caster level without the need for concentration.
When an illusion isn’t maintained through concentration, it performs whatever set of actions it was last commanded to do, and cannot move beyond Medium range of where it was placed. Giving an illusion a new series of programmed activities is a move action.
Manipulate Aura[edit]
(Arcane, Illusion)
Prerequisites: Trickster
Benefit: You gain the following two abilities:
Disappearance (Trick)
As a trick you may change a creature or object’s magical aura to appear to be non-magical, or to appear as a magic item you specify, or as if under the effects of a spell or sphere ability you specify for up to 1 day per caster level.
A target examining this aura through detection magic is allowed a Will save to see through the trick, but on a failure believes the aura and does not detect this trick. Artifacts are too powerful to have their auras hidden or altered in this manner.
(Arcane, Mind, School)
Prerequisites: —
Benefit: You gain the following ability:
You may place charms on creatures. Charms require a standard action to use and have a range of '"`UNIQ--item-7--QINU`"'.
You may only use charms on targets that possess your own creature type (humanoid for humanoids, etc.) although the Expanded Mind feat changes this.
Each charm has three strengths; lesser, greater, and powerful. Lesser charms are at-will abilities, but you may not target an individual creature more than once in a day with any individual lesser charm. Greater charms cost a spell point to use and powerful charms cost 2 points to use. You must possess the Powerful Charm feat before you may use any powerful charms.
You gain the following charm when you gain Mentalist:
Suggestion: You may plant thoughts into a target’s mind.
Lesser Charm: You may plant a suggestion in a target’s mind, which they obey as if the thought had been their own (Will negates).
The suggested course of activity must be limited to a sentence or two and must be a very simple request. The creature performs the suggested action until it finishes, or for 1 hour per caster level, whichever comes first.
If you choose, you can instead specify conditions the creature should look for, (i.e., “you should search the next person who enters this room, looking for weapons.”) If the condition is not met before this duration expires, the activity is not performed.
Greater Charm: This is the same as the Suggestion lesser charm, but may be up to a basic request.
Very simple requests cause the save to be made with a -2 penalty. The target cannot be asked to do anything it would not normally do.
Powerful Charm: This is the same as the Suggestion lesser charm, but the creature obeys any course of action given, so long as the suggestion is not obviously fatal or against the target’s nature.
Basic requests cause the save to be made with a -2 penalty, while very simple requests cause the save to be made with a -4 penalty.
Creature | Very Simple Request | Basic Request | Would not normally do | Against the creature's nature |
Paladin | Provide healing to an injured person. | Protect the innocent from danger, hunt a monster in the area. | Ignore minor criminal activity, hide a creature of dubious guilt. | Attack team mates, slaughter the innocent, renounce her religion, desecrate a temple. |
Evil-Aligned Thief | Steal a simple, unattended object, visit a tavern. | Share non-compromising information, teach someone thieving skills. | Donate a few coins to charity, reveal secret plans, stab their co-conspirators in the back. | Give up their most valuable magic items, reveal their greatest secrets, turn themselves in for their crimes. |
Bear | Grab fish from a stream. | Calm down and not attack an unassuming target. | Ignore a humanoid sitting in its den. | Ignore the kidnapping of its cubs. |
Goblin Raider | Ambush a weak, unguarded target. | Join a raid on a town, or the hunting of a monster. | Co-exist with non-evil-aligned creatures, fight a target where survival is uncertain. | Fight a target where survival is unlikely, join a raid against its own tribe. |
Ancient Dragon | Eat an annoying humanoid. | Eat an unassuming humanoid. | Give up a valuable item. | Give up its horde. |
Middle-Aged Farmer | Eat lunch. | Give a kind stranger a meal and a hayloft to sleep in. | House and feed a squadron of questionable men, help a team of adventurers as a cook and porter on their quests. | House wanted criminals, allow the kidnapping of his family, take up arms and become a soldier. |
Metal Geomancy[edit]
(Arcane, Geomancy)
Prerequisites: Geomancer
Benefit: You gain the following geomancy abilities:
(instantaneous, requires metal)
As a standard action, you may cause an unattended object consisting mostly of metal (whose size is not larger than your maximum ore size in the chart below) to fly towards a creature or object of your choice within Close range.
You may choose to throw the item harmlessly (in which case it can either be caught by the target or else lands in an adjacent square), or you may use this as an attack.
This counts as a ranged attack, except you must use your casting ability modifier in place of Dexterity. If successful, you deal either the object’s ‘ore damage’, or if it is a weapon, the weapon’s damage (arrows and bolts with metal tips count as daggers for this purpose, dealing 1d4 damage). Despite the name of this ability, the target object or creature needn’t be made of metal.
Recover Ore
(instantaneous, requires dirt or sand)
As a standard action, you may create a piece of metal ore by pulling and combining particles of metal from the ground.
You must spend a spell point to use this ability, and must have a large enough piece of earth (sand or dirt) to pull the ore from.
This piece of ore can be brass, bronze, copper, or tin, and the size of the ore recovered depends both on your caster level and the square footage of earth you pull from according to the chart below.
The piece of ore you recover is formed on the ground in an unoccupied space within Close range and can be of any basic shape (a ball, a rod, a sheet, even a chair) but cannot be anything complex or with moving parts. You may also pull multiple pieces of ore placed in different adjacent squares, so long as their combined size does not exceed your maximum, and each piece of recovered ore must be of the same type (such as copper or tin). For these purposes, 2 Fine-sized pieces of ore equals 1 Diminutive-sized piece, etc.
While this effect is instantaneous and thus cannot be dispelled, ore breaks back into particles after 1 hour per caster level.
If a piece of ore is used as a weapon, it counts as an improvised weapon, dealing either bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage, chosen at the time of recovery. The damage such a weapon deals is listed as ‘ore damage’ in the chart below. As always, improvised weapons bestow a -4 penalty to attack rolls.
Minimum Caster Level |
Required Earth to Pull From |
Ore Size | Ore Damage |
Ore Weight (maximum) |
1 | 1 ft cube | Fine | 1 | .8 lbs |
1 | 5 ft cube | Diminutive | 1d2 | 1 lbs |
1 | 10 ft cube | Tiny | 1d3 | 8 lbs |
2 | 25 ft cube | Small | 1d4 | 60 lbs |
4 | 50 ft cube | Medium | 1d6 | 500 lbs |
8 | 75 ft cube | Large | 1d8 | 4,000 lbs |
(Arcane, Death, School)
Prerequisites: —
Benefit: You gain the following two abilities Ghost Strike and Reanimate.
Ghost Strike
As a standard action, you may make a ghost strike, summoning negative energy and throwing it at a target within Medium range as a ranged touch attack. A ghost strike is considered a negative energy death effect, and as such has no effect on undead, constructs, elementals, and other creatures immune to such things (although some talents provide exceptions). Ghost strike effects do not stack with themselves. Some Death feats provide you with additional types of ghost strikes.
You gain the following ghost strike when you gain Necromancer:
Exhausting strike: The subject of your ghost strike becomes fatigued for 1 round per caster level (Fortitude negates). You may spend a spell point to increases this effect to making the target exhausted for 1 minute per caster level (Fortitude negates). On a successful save, the target is still fatigued for 1 round. Unlike regular fatigue and exhaustion, these conditions end as soon as the duration expires.
As a standard action, you may touch an intact dead body and spend a spell point to reanimate it as a zombie or skeleton (depending on the composition of the body in question) for 1 minute per caster level.
This creature gains the zombie or skeleton template and obeys your commands, although only simple commands such as “go”, “stay”, “attack”, or “guard” are understandable. A reanimated body cannot speak and has no knowledge or ability to think and so cannot answer questions or reveal anything it knew in life.
When the duration expires, the body collapses until reanimated again. It does not regain hit pints between reanimations. If reduced to 0 hp, the body collapses and is destroyed; it cannot be reanimated again.
You may have a total number of reanimated creatures active at any one time whose combined Hit Dice does not exceed twice your caster level. If you attempt to reanimate a creature that would push your total beyond this limit, your reanimated creatures cease to be reanimated sequentially from oldest to newest until the Hit Dice total is low enough to permit the new reanimated creature. You cannot reanimate a creature with more Hit Dice than twice your caster level, and creatures with more than 20 racial Hit Dice can never become skeletons or zombies.
If you do not have a caster level and spell pool, you gain an effective caster level of 1, a spell pool of 1 and use your highest mental ability as your casting ability score. These do not stack the caster level and spell pool granted by the casting and spell pool class features.
Obscure Senses[edit]
(Arcane, Illusion)
Prerequisites: Trickster
Benefit: You gain the following two abilities:
Disappearance (Trick)
As a trick you may make things disappear. As a trick, you may add 1/2 your caster level to Sleight of Hand checks made to palm a small object or hide a light weapon.
This phantasm only applies to creatures within close range.
As a standard action, you may spend a spell point to place an illusion on a touched creature or object that makes it hard to see. This is a phantasm effect that affects all creatures that would be able to see the creature affected.
Creatures under the glamer gain a bonus to their Stealth checks equal to your caster level, while objects have a flat Perception DC equal to 10 + their size bonus + your caster level. Rather than make a Will save to disbelieve, creatures must make Perception checks to detect the hidden creature or object.
Creatures and objects under the glamer also count as having total concealment.
Even when detected by another creature, a concealed creature gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls against sighted targets and ignores their Dexterity bonus to AC.
Making a creature or object invisible also hides its magical aura from such effects as detect magic or the base Divination sphere divine ability.
Permanent Image[edit]
(Arcane, Illusion)
Prerequisites: 10th caster level or higher, Trickster, Lingering Illusion
Benefit: When creating an illusion, you may spend 2 spell points to increase its duration to permanent.
Plant Geomancy[edit]
(Arcane, Geomancy)
Prerequisites: Geomancer
Benefit: You gain the following geomancy abilities:
(concentration, requires grass, weeds, vines, or underbrush)
You cause plants to grow rapidly, wrapping themselves around everything in a 5 ft. radius area centered within range. This increases to 10 ft. radius at caster level 5
Creatures within this area must pass a Reflex save or gain the Clumsy 4 and Immobilized conditions.
Creatures that make their save can move as normal, but those that remain in the area must save again at the end of each turn you maintain the effect.
Creatures that move into the area must save immediately. Those that fail end their movement and gain the Clumsy 4 and Immobilized conditions.
Entangled creatures can attempt to break free as a move action, making a Strength or Escape Artist check against a DC equal to the effect’s Reflex save DC.
This area is also considered difficult terrain for the duration of the effect. If the area contained plants with thorns, all creatures suffer 1 point of piercing damage each round they are within this area.
(instantaneous, requires fruit trees, berry bushes, or food crops)
You may spend a spell point to cause plants to sprout food spontaneously. You may affect up to 1 plant per caster level within range.
Each plant produces enough food to provide 3 medium-sized creatures or 1 horse with food for a day.
(concentration, requires a tree)
You cause a tree branch to come alive and attack a foe you designate.
The tree cannot move, but it makes one slam attack each round against the designated target until you spend a move action to designate another target or until the target dies or moves out of range. A tree branch cannot flank nor aid in flanking.
You cannot designate a target you cannot perceive.
The tree has a Strength score equal to 10 + your caster level, and a to-hit modifier equal to your caster level + its Strength modifier + its size modifier. You may animate a Medium branch at 1st caster level and a Large branch beginning at 5th caster level.
An entire tree can count as a branch, provided the tree isn’t larger than your maximum pummel size.
- Medium: 1d6 damage, 5 ft reach.
- Large: +1 size bonus, 1d8 damage, 10 ft reach.
Tree Statistics
Players and Game Masters alike may require the armor class, hardness, and hit point values of the branches or trees affected by pummel.
While particular species of vegetation may cause for variance in these values, the table below are some that are suggested which may be used should such a situation arise.
Branches and trees under the effect of pummel are still objects and thus always fail saving throws. Branches as objects gain the broken condition if they lose over 50% of their hit points, and are destroyed when reduced to 0 hit points.
Because trees are objects, it is recommended that destroying a branch also reduces the overall health of each larger branch and tree by an equal amount. For example, if a juvenile tree has 4 medium branches, then destroying all four would reduce the tree’s hit points by 20, leaving it with 30 hp remaining. In the case of a massive tree, destroying 1 medium branch would reduce 1 large branch, 1 huge branch and the colossal tree’s hit points by 5.
Trees animated through the enhancement sphere should not use these statistics, but rather those provided for animated objects.
Size | Example | AC | Hardness | Hp | Number of Medium Branches |
Number of Large Branches |
Number of Huge Branches |
Medium | Secondary Branch or Sapling | 7 | 5 | 5 | — | — | — |
Large | Primary Branch or Young Tree | 6 | 5 | 15 | — | — | — |
Huge | Juvenile Tree | 5 | 5 | 50 | 1d4 (avg 3) | — | — |
Gargantuan | Typical Adult Tree | 4 | 5 | 150 | 3d4 (avg 8) | 1d4 (avg 3) | — |
Colossal | Massive Tree | 3 | 5 | 500 | 9d4 (avg 23) | 3d4 (avg 8) | 1d4 (avg 3) |
Powerful Charm[edit]
(Arcane, Mind)
Prerequisites: —
Benefit: You may spend 2 spell points to use the Powerful charm version of any charm you possess.
Ranged Illusion[edit]
(Arcane, Illusion)
Prerequisites: Trickster
Benefit: Increase the distance by which you may manifest an illusion or trick by one category (Close to Medium, Medium to Long).
You may take this talent multiple times. The effects stack.
Ranged Mind[edit]
(Arcane, Mind)
Prerequisites: —
Benefit: Increase the range you may charm targets by 1 step ('"`UNIQ--item-0--QINU`"' to '"`UNIQ--item-1--QINU`"', Medium to '"`UNIQ--item-2--QINU`"'). You may select this talent multiple times. The effects stack.
(Alteration, Arcane, School)
Prerequisites: —
Benefit: You gain the following ability:
As a standard action you may shapeshift yourself or a touched creature, changing their form for as long as you concentrate. If the target is unwilling, this costs a spell point, and they are allowed a Fortitude save to negate. You may spend a spell point to allow a shapeshift to remain for 1 minute per caster level without concentration. You may dismiss your shapeshift as a free action.
Creature Traits: When shapeshifting a target, the caster must choose a form and a series of traits for them. Forms constitute a creature’s basic physical makeup (humanoid, draconic, animalistic, avian, etc.) while traits are special characteristics or alterations (natural attacks, creature size, monster special abilities, etc.). A caster may grant 1 trait (increasing to 2 at caster level 5) and cannot grant the same trait more than once unless the trait indicates it may be granted multiple times.
With the exception of Blank Form (detailed below), placing a form on a creature causes that creature’s physical body to change into that of another creature. The target gains the listed number of limbs and loses all others.
The target loses any extraordinary or supernatural abilities, natural attacks, and movement types dependent on their original form (darkvision, scent, wings, claws, etc.) and gains the listed benefits in their place. Alternate sources of physical traits (such as a dragon sorcerer’s ability to grow claws) still function.
Equipment: In addition, the target’s equipment melds into their new form, causing them to lose their armor and shield bonuses and the ability to pull any item from a backpack or belt. They also cannot activate magic items (although constant bonuses from magic items still remain).
If you do not have a caster level and spell pool, you gain an effective caster level of 1, a spell pool of 1 and use your highest mental ability as your casting ability score. These do not stack the caster level and spell pool granted by the casting and spell pool class features.
(Arcane, Illusion)
Prerequisites: Trickster
Benefit: You gain the following two abilities:
Silence Creature
As a standard action, you may spend a spell point to place an effect on a creature within close range. Creatures that would be able to hear sound from the creature are affected by a phantasm that instead makes them hear nothing.
Silence Area
As a standard action, you may spend a spell point to place an effect on an area within close range. Creatures that would be able to hear sound from within the area are affected by a phantasm that instead makes them hear nothing. The area of effect is the same size as what you can make with an Illusion.
Creatures in an area of silence (that have not succeeded on their saving throw against the phantasm) are immune to sonic or language-based attacks, spells, and effects.
Sound is still created, so creatures that succeed on their saving throw against the phantasm (following the standard rules for phantasms) can still hear the sound, and verbal spell components still function.
Creatures that cannot be heard gain a +4 bonus to Stealth checks (or automatically succeed at Stealth checks against creatures that are unable to see them).
Store Spell[edit]
(Arcane, Item Creation)
Prerequisites: Caster level 1st
Benefit: Allows you to create one-use magic items such as Oils, Potions, Powders, and Scrolls.
(Arcane, Mind)
Prerequisites: —
Benefit: If a target succeeds on their save against one of your charms, they must immediately pass a second Will save. If they fail this second save, they do not realize they were the subject of an attempted mental assault.
Thunder Blast[edit]
(Arcane, Blast Type, Destruction)
Prerequisites: Battle Mage
Benefit: You may change the damage type of your destructive blast to sonic. Targets who take damage from your thunder blast must pass a Fortitude saving throw or be deafened for 2d4 rounds.
(Arcane, Illusion, School)
Prerequisites: —
Benefit: You gain the following three abilities Trick, Illusion and Alter Appearance.
As a standard action, you may create small, simple illusions called tricks within close range, which persist for 1 minute per level or until dismissed.
Effects: You may create unconvincing illusions. This is the same as creating an illusion (see below) and can include all senses you can affect through Trickster feats, except it is obviously fake (i.e., it is translucent, unrealistic, etc.).
However, the effects can still be used to create distractions, display images, draw a map, or be used for entertainment. This counts as possessing the required tools to make any appropriate Perform check (such as creating a melody with the Audible Illusion talent).
As a standard action, you may spend a spell point to create a silent visual illusion within close range for as long as you concentrate, to a maximum of 1 minute per caster level.
You cannot move further away from the illusion than your illusion range while maintaining it through concentration, and the illusion is limited in size according to the table below. The image may be anything you may clearly imagine, and behaves according to your desires.
Caster Level |
Illusion Maximum Size |
Maximum Size in cubes |
1st | Medium | 5 ft. cube |
3rd | Large | 10 ft. cube |
5th | Huge | 15 ft. cube |
8th | Gargantuan | 20 ft. cube |
You may only create visual illusions although certain feats may be taken to add more senses. The more complex an illusion is, the more feats it requires to be convincing.
If creating an illusionary creature, your illusion has an attack bonus equal to your caster level + your casting ability modifier, and a touch armor class equal to 10 + its size modifier + 1/2 your caster level + your casting ability modifier. An illusionary creature may provide a flanking bonus against targets that believe it to be real (as defined for figments).
Alter Appearance
As a standard action, you may make minor changes to a touched object or creature up to your Illusion maximum size, such as changing their color, making them appear clean or dirty, making writing appear, or other minor alterations.
This counts as having a disguise kit when making Disguise checks (which take the usual time instead of a standard action), but such a disguise still counts as being magical for the purposes of detecting magic or for spells and effects that allow a target to see through magical effects and illusions.
The phantasm affects all creatures within close range who observe the affected creature or object. Creatures that move beyond this range are not affected by the phantasm, though moving back into range reapplies the effect.
Illusion sphere abilities do not allow spell resistance unless placed as a glamer on a creature with resistance.
If you do not have a caster level and spell pool, you gain an effective caster level of 1, a spell pool of 1 and use your highest mental ability as your casting ability score. These do not stack the caster level and spell pool granted by the casting and spell pool class features.
(Arcane, Life, School)
Prerequisites: —
Benefit: You gain the following three abilities Cure, Invigorate and Restore.
If you do not have a caster level and spell pool, you gain an effective caster level of 1, a spell pool of 1 and use your highest mental ability as your casting ability score. These do not stack the caster level and spell pool granted by the casting and spell pool class features.
War Mage[edit]
(Arcane, School, War)
Prerequisites: —
Benefit: You gain the following ability:
As a standard action, you may place a totem. A totem is an effect on a 50 ft + 5 ft per 2 caster level radius area, centered on you, but does not move as you do, unless the you have the Totemic Aura or Totemic Presence feat which allow totems to be attached to creatures and move with them. These totems are called totemic auras. Totems that are specifically not auras are called fixed totems.
Creatures who leave this area lose the effects of your totem. You must concentrate to maintain a totem, but may always spend a spell point as a free action to allow a totem to remain for 1 round per caster level without concentration.
You must remain within Long range of the center of your totems when maintaining them through concentration. If you move beyond this range, the totem ends.
You gain the following totem when you gain War Mage:
Totem of War: You and your allies gain a +2 circumstance bonus to all weapon damage rolls. This bonus increases to +3 at caster level 5.
If you do not have a caster level and spell pool, you gain an effective caster level of 1, a spell pool of 1 and use your highest mental ability as your casting ability score. These do not stack the caster level and spell pool granted by the casting and spell pool class features.
Water Geomancy[edit]
(Arcane, Geomancy)
Prerequisites: Geomancer
Benefit: You gain the following geomancy abilities:
(concentration, requires rain, mist, or at least 5 cubic feet of water)
You call up a rolling fog, cutting off people’s vision within a 10 ft. radius area centered within range. This increases to 15 ft. radius at caster level 5.
The fog obscures all sight, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. A creature within 5 feet is concealed. Creatures farther away have total concealment.
The ability does not function underwater.
If using a body of water, the fog must be at least partially over the water itself.
If you spend a spell point to maintain this effect without concentration, a moderate wind (11+ mph) will disperse it within 4 rounds. In the presence of a strong wind (21+ mph), you cannot use this ability.
(instantaneous, requires water)
You may spend a spell point to flash freeze water, turning it into ice.
You may freeze a 1 inch thick, 5 ft by 5 ft square of water per caster level.
Alternately, you may cover a wet medium-sized creature with 1 inch of ice per caster level. You may increase the size of the frozen area or size/number of the frozen creatures, but every extra medium-sized creature or extra 5 ft. square divides the ice’s thickness in half. Creatures smaller than medium count as medium-sized creatures for this effect, with the exception of multiple creatures occupying the same space.
Add the sizes of multiple creatures occupying the same space together when determining their size for this purpose. For swarms, count each 5 ft. square as being 2 medium-sized creatures occupying the same space.
You may affect both squares and creatures, but all affected targets and spaces must be contiguous and must have the same thickness of ice.
Creatures are allowed a Reflex save to avoid being frozen. On a failure, they are encased and cannot move or act and suffer 1 point of cold damage per round per inch of ice. To escape, they must pass a Strength check or Escape Artist check as a full-round action to escape the ice (DC 15 + 1 per inch of thickness) or another creature must break the ice around the trapped creature (3 hp per inch).
On a successful save, target is still slowed for 1 round. Ice melts 1 inch of thickness per minute on the average day.
(concentration, requires a large body of liquid)
You may create a spinning vortex in a body of liquid that sucks creatures and objects to its center.
This vortex is 5 ft. wide at its base, is 10 ft. high, and is half as wide at the top as it is high. This increases to 15 ft. high at caster level 5.
You may move the vortex up to 30 ft. per round as part of the concentration check required to maintain it. If maintaining the effect through a spell point, you may designate a simple pattern for it to move, which you may alter as a move action.
Any creature entering the vortex's area must pass a Reflex save or suffer bludgeoning damage equal to 1d8 + 1/2 your caster level (minimum: 0).
If the creature is smaller than the vortex, they must pass a second Reflex save or be pulled into the middle of the vortex. Creatures in the middle of the vortex suffer bludgeoning damage once per round with no save, and must pass a Reflex save each round or be unable to move, and on a success may only move at half their swim speed. A vortex cannot contain more creatures than would exceed its volume. If the vortex moves, creatures in the middle of the vortex are carried along with it.